Capitol Police are investigating reports of a new rally that was organized by alt-right leader and diehard Trumper Steve Bannon's allies. The rally, dubbed #JusticeforJ6, will attempt to distort the truth about the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol and effectively rewrite history.
Riot organizer Matt Braynard says the far-right Jan. 6 insurrectionists are being condemned despite “never laying a finger on anyone or causing any violence.” This is despite reliable reports of five people confirmed dead, hundreds of protestors and officers injured, and over $30 million in property damage.
Well, friend, one retired FBI terrorism expert has a message for Braynard and the rest of Bannon's violent extremist cronies:
“You should be charged, tried and if found guilty go to jail and not pass go.” -- FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force expert
The Republican party has made it crystal clear that they will not draw the line at violent extremism. It's up to progressives to stand together against alt-right terrorism.
Progressive Majority is leading an aggressive digital and ground campaign to bar the insurrectionists' enablers from positions in government for good. Our Insurrectionist Knockout Fund is laser-focused on replacing Trump's loyalists in Congress with bold progressives who will never shy away from their duty to defend America from seditionist threats. But the Republicans aren't fighting fair, friend -- if we want to win, we need to know we can count on you.
Take a stand, friend: Our goal is to raise $2,000 for the Insurrectionist Knockout Fund to give progressives fighting in battleground states across the nation the tools they need to win. Hard-working Americans can only afford to chip in to campaigns that could not win without their support. Friend, these maverick progressives won't stand a chance against the GOP's shady billionaire cronies if our grassroots movement can't mobilize fast. Just $5, $10, or $25 could truly make a significant difference for a cash-strapped underdog progressive campaign. With that in mind, think what a greater donation could do. Whether you can spare a few dollars or much more, you will send our progressives a clear message that the grassroots movement is on their side. Please, friend, take a moment right now to give our brave Democrats the support they need to win.
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Steve Bannon and Donald Trump have their radical base convinced that terrorism is a legitimate way to do politics in America, friend. Thank you for standing up to them.
- Progressive Majority

Progressive Majority PAC
410 1st St, SE
Suite 310
Washington, DC 20003
United States