Dear John,

On Monday, over 350 people showed up for our Virtual Town Hall with U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley! If you didn’t make it, you can watch the recording on YouTube here!

During the town hall, Senator Merkley mentioned the IPCC report on climate change, and how it states that climate change is a “code red” for humanity. This is a big moment in history. These next few decades will be our last chance to save the world for future generations. We need to follow the lead of the communities most impacted by climate change, stop new fossil fuel projects, and act now. You can get started: email your members of Congress and ask them to support climate action on the national level!

The U.S. Senate already took a huge step by passing the bipartisan infrastructure plan and the initial vote on the $3.5 trillion budget resolution last week. This is a good start, but there’s still a long way to go. Over the next month, committees will be working hard to figure out exactly where all that $3.5+ trillion is going to be spent, and how much of it will be dedicated to clean energy, justice, and jobs. And, after that, everything will lead up to a final vote in the fall. Help make sure that the final package supports a clean energy future. Please email your U.S. Senators and Representative today!


Doug Moore
Executive Director, OLCV 

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