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Wednesday, August 18 Round Up: NPH endorses the Roadmap Home, Conference Keynote announced, Bay Area Housing Priorities letter released, & more!


NPH Endorsements and Advocacy

Image of two initiatives, Roadmap Home 2030 and Priorities letter, in one image.

NPH is proud to endorse the Roadmap Home 2030 because we know that bold, long-term solutions backed by proven research is how we can advance racial equity and end housing insecurity and homelessness for good. Join us and become part of the solution. Endorse the Roadmap Home today.

Last week housing advocates across the Bay Area united in the common cause of equitable access to stable, affordable housing. NPH is proud to join a coalition of advocates convened by the San Francisco Foundation, including Mayors Sam Liccardo, London Breed, and Libby Schaaf, to demand historic new investments to ensure housing for all families in our region.


NPH Conference Keynote Announced!

Graphic with NPH keynote speakers and their names listed

We’re excited to announce the keynote speakers for the 42nd Annual NPH Conference taking place virtually on September 24!

Nikole Hannah-Jones and Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II will inspire us to build an anti-racist housing justice movement that will go the distance and centers racial equity in the affordable housing industry.

Thank you to our early event sponsors for supporting NPH’s critical work and making this event possible. Become a sponsor today!


Updates to the Racial Equity Resource Library

Resource cover featuring collage art

New resources have recently been added to our Racial Equity Resource Library! The library provides access to the most up-to-date resources on racial justice practices, such as videos, articles, tools, and moreWe hope you find it helpful as you do the critical work of embedding racial justice work into your organizations.


CAVE Training Starts September 9!

Graphic announcing CAVE lineup

The third cohort of the Community Advocacy & Voter Engagement (CAVE) Professional Certification Program begins in less than a month on September 9! 

The CAVE Certification program is a professional development opportunity catered to resident services staff to learn about affordable housing advocacy and policy and become an advocate in their community.


Join ELPN's Mid-Year Party and Roundtable Discussion

Photo for ELPN event that says in pink

Join the Emerging Leaders Peer Network (ELPN) on August 26 for their 2021 Mid Year Party: Cocktail Shake Up! Join the party and get the chance to play games and network with your fellow housers.

You can also join ELPN on September 9 for BIPOC Leaders: Bring Your Whole Self To Work to learn from a panel of amazing BIPOC female leaders in the affordable housing industry on the essential skills and strategies to become a leader and increase diverse representation in our industry’s leadership roles. We'll notify you when registration opens!  


TODAY AT NOON: Making News in Bay Area Media Outlets

shift the bay logo

Join the Shift the Bay Initiative for our next learning opportunity: Making News in Bay Area Media Outlets, a webinar happening TODAY (12-1PM). In this webinar the communications team at M+R will present tips, trends, and do's and don'ts for getting to know Bay Area reporters and getting their attention. Shift the Bay is a collaborative effort designed to deliver research drive, field-practiced strategies and messages to help drive new narratives on affordable housing.


Join Our Team! NPH Is Hiring

NPH logo with

NPH is looking for people who are passionate about the affordable housing movement to join our team! We're hiring for two positions to help support our work:

 Learn more about our current openings



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August: CZI - Grant Partner Training Sessions. The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative is committed to helping you scale change faster. To help support the CZI community working tirelessly to achieve their goals, they’ve assembled a collection of valuable expert trainings for grantees and their partners across CZI portfolio areas.



9/9: EBALDC - 2021 Gala Celebration. Join the East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC) for their Gala Celebration Event at  Preservation Park.



9/23: EBHO - Faith & Justice Community Workshop and Healing Space. Join East Bay Housing Organization for a morning of fellowship and healing at EBHO's annual Faith & Justice event. The program will include music, prayer, and words from special guest speaker, Sally Hindman, Executive Director at Youth Spirit Artworks. 



9/24: SFHDC - 3th Annual SFHDC Gala. Join the San Francisco Housing Development Corporation (SFHDC) as they celebrate a year of resilience and the contributions of the heroes who cross their path every day at the 33th Annual SFHDC Gala. 



10/4-10/8: NACEDA - Resilient Communities. NACEDA and community development associations across the country are joining forces on a two-part virtual event. Get a national perspective and explore strategies to improve the quality of life, health, and wealth for the communities we serve over the long term.



[COALITION CORNER] 10/22: Working Partnerships USA - 2021 Champions for Change Together We Rise. Save the date for Working Partnership USA's upcoming event! More details and information to come.



Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH)
369 Pine Street, Suite 350 | San Francisco, California  94104
415-989-8160 | [email protected]

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