
I don't know if you’ve heard, but a local judge in Dallas County has ruled against Gov. Abbott's ban on mask mandates and is trying to force our county into masks!

Take a look:
This is a prime example of the lengths the Radical Democrats are prepared to go to fight sanity and science in America. This Democrat judge, who has no power to challenge this ruling, has decided to overstep his authority and fight our governor over his defense of our personal liberties!
I am sick and tired of these petty liberal tyrants desperate to control our lives. I don't want the Radical Left to teach our children that mask mandates and vaccine mandates are okay, instead, I want them to learn that our personal liberties are God-given and worth fighting for!
Texas deserves better than local judges who believe they can arbitrarily control our lives. That's why I am fully supporting Gov. Abbott's order and the right of Dallas County parents to send their children to school without masks! 

The time for mandates is over and it's time to put personal choice first and give Americans their rights and liberties back! I’m fighting to bring sanity and science back to dealing with the COVID virus response but I am attacked every time I do so. Can I count on you to help stand with me and our kids?
For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne