We're welcoming four new members to our HQ team, celebrating the return of our Implicit Bias and Resilience trainings, and announcing available positions on our core team.

We're Growing!

In April 2021 alone, over 138,000 people signed up for one of our trainings to make their communities and public spaces welcoming for all. We’re staffing up as fast as we can to get our signature tools for disrupting hate and harassment in the hands of anyone who wants it.


Please join us in sending a heartfelt welcome to the following new team members who will make our movement stronger and better:

This huge surge in community members showing up to say enough is enough fills us with such hope, which is why we’re continuing to hire for a number of additional roles.


Follow this link for the full list of positions available, and please do share the link with your friends and family. We're looking forward to reviewing your application!


New York Times Feature: The 5D's for Today's Youth

Last month, The New York Times published a full-length feature with illustrations in the print edition of the Sunday Times showing our 5D's for bystander intervention adapted for today's youth.


The return to live lessons is a relief for some of our youth, but for others it's a cause for dread: it means returning to being bullied, picked on, called names, or worse. We're grateful to collaborate with the Times on equipping our youth with these simple tools to make our schools fun and safe for everyone.


Didn't snag a copy of the Sunday Times? We've got your back! We're offering free sessions of our Stand Up Against Street Harassment for Youth workshops that covers all the tools discussed in the Times article and more. Click here to register the youth in your life today!


Back By Popular Demand: Implicit Bias & Resilience Trainings

Last month, we brought back our implicit bias and resilience trainings -- and the response has been overwhelming: after making the announcement, we received so many clicks in a single day that our website crashed. Y’all literally broke our internet!

Given the resounding interest, we’ve added workshops of these popular trainings -- available, as always, for free.
Click here to view the full calendar and sign up today, then forward the link to your friends and family. We can’t wait to welcome you as an accomplice in creating welcoming spaces for all!


Hollaback! In The News


HuffPost recently featured Emily McCombs’ account of incorrectly intervening when she witnessed domestic violence, putting herself and the victim in greater danger. This experience led her to Hollaback!’s five D’s for bystander intervention, which has since equipped her with the proper tools for being a helpful accomplice in the future. Thank you, Emily, for being such a proud accomplice in disrupting hate & harassment in our communities!

Associations Now highlighted Hollaback!’s partnership with the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) and Open to All to end harassment and discrimination against retail staff. Together, we’re working to ensure our cashiers and stockpeople are free to be who they are as they go about completing their tasks. Thank you, Associations Now, for spotlighting this important work!
