Calling to your attention: #TeachTruth Days of Action August 27-29
From sponsor Zinn Education Project: Lawmakers in at least 28 states are attempting to pass legislation that would require teachers to lie to students about the role of racism, sexism, heterosexism, and oppression throughout U.S. history. In response, educators across the United States are signing a pledge to teach truth. Educators in 115+ cities are joining in.
#TeachTruth social media challenge starts August 18.
Sunday August 15 2021: Sam Goldman interviews journalist, filmmaker and writer Paul Mason about his new book: How To Stop Fascism: History, Ideology, Resistance. Commentary from Sunsara Taylor of the Editorial Board, on the "fascist pandemic" of Covid, featured on the RNL Show.
Ed note: This episode was recorded before the breaking news that the Taliban
have retaken Kabul. Our hearts go out to the people of Afghanistan who
have suffered so much under US occupation and whose suffering will
continue. Subscribe for updates as we’ll cover this issue on upcoming
shows soon.

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Paul Mason: What we can do, and what we need to do, is proudly claim and defend the intellectual space of anti-fascism. Go to the streets and form grassroots bodies explicitly there to create new forms of activism. The only way you stop fascism is by creating a living, breathing alternative. Gotta create the living, breathing alternative in the form of an anti-fascist ethos. One person taking a series of anti-fascist actions, forces other people to make decisions about what they're going to do about fascism...The question to everybody is going to be this: "Where is my body going to be? Not: "Where's my internet avatar gonna be?" And at the crucial moment, your body's got to be between the fascists and their objective. So I don't think we've seen the end of mass politics with January 6th, I think we have to see the American left and the American liberalism find it's place on the American Street.
Sam Goldman: I think that there is a large section of people, and they're who I'm very concerned about, who were deeply concerned about the Trump years, and who do not want to see fascism, who maybe took to the streets once or twice during the Trump years, but did not see themselves as essential, who subordinated their role to the role of a Democratic Party proxy members. I think that is a population of millions who need to heed your warning about the threat, and break with some of the individualism and parasitism that kept them out of the streets. One of the things that you say in your book I thought it was very provocative, was that, "Fascism is the fear of freedom, triggered by a glimpse of freedom."
Sunsara Taylor: To everyone who is not themselves a fascist, but who is still resisting taking this vaccine and other health measures: At a time when it is actually possible to dramatically decrease the damage being done by this global pandemic, damage that is disproportionately hitting and killing Black people, Latinos and Native Americans, do you really want to be finding yourself in the same camp as these lunatic anti-scientific fascists? Do you really want to be bedfellows with these genocidal racists in their crusade against the vaccine and other health measures? No, get the vaccine and struggle for everybody around you to get the vaccine too.
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