The Democrat insurrectionists are too busy secretly torturing Americans who stood for election integrity on January 6th.
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‘Calamity of Epic Proportions’: Congress Needs Probe of Biden’s Mishandling of Afghan Withdrawal
The Democrat insurrectionists are too busy secretly torturing Americans who stood for election integrity on January 6th.

‘Calamity of Epic Proportions’- Congress Needs Probe of Biden’s Mishandling of Afghan Withdrawal Analysis – As ...

The Taliban Knocked On Her Door 3 Times, The Fourth Time,They BEAT HER TO DEATH
Feminists and Democrat silence is monstrous.

The Taliban knocked on her door 3 times. The fourth time, they killed her

By Anna Coren, Sandi Sidhu, Abdul Basir Bina and Hilary Whiteman,, August 17, 2021

(CNN)Najia was at home with her ...

America’s Horror Story: Afghanistan
t took us 3 years and 8 months to defeat Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and Fascist Italy.

During that time we built two navies, developed the atomic bomb, built the Pentagon in 16 months, and increased our military from about 370,000 personnel ...

Biden’s Presidency Collapsed with Afghanistan
The debacle in Afghanistan, along with the chaos at our Southern border, rising inflation, and crime in our major cities will sink the Biden Administration. After just 7 months, President Biden is now the worst POTUS of our lifetime. Worse than ...

As Afghanistan Collapsed, Biden Called School Superintendents to Applaud Their Defying Mask Mandate Bans
America is as much under siege by insurrectionists as Afghanistan.

Biden Called Superintendents To Commend Them On Defying Mask Mandate Bans As Afghanistan Situation Worsened On Friday, President Joe Biden called several superintendents who ...

Jihad Squad Vilified Jewish State For Defending Itself Against Hamas But Remain Silent on Women And Girls Being Persecuted in Afghanistan
This past May, the anti-Semitic Squad vilified and defamed Israel for defending itself against Hamas. They falsely accused Israel of targeting Palestinian civilians including children. However, as women and girls are being murdered, raped, and ...

TYPICAL: Leading Feminist Groups SILENT As Afghan Girls Face Brutality of Islamic Law
Feminism is a phony movement originating in Marxist/Leninism. I'll go one step further. Feminism is anti-women. It hates marriage, men, femininity, motherhood ….. everything that makes a women women.

The left exploits, women (gays, blacks ...

Taliban Leader Was Freed From Guantanamo Bay in 2014 By Obama, Heralded by Taliban As “Key Achievement”
Obama – the curse that keeps on giving.

All five of the Taliban commanders Obama exchanged for Bergdahl had ties to al Qaeda prior to their detention in Cuba.

Taliban touts Obama’s Bergdahl swap as key ‘achievement’

Soldier who ...

CNN Reporter Says Taliban Fighters Chanting “Death to America” “Seem Friendly”
Expect Taliban puff pieces from these jackals in the coming weeks ….

CNN Reporter Says Taliban Fighters Chanting “Death to America” “Seem Friendly”

Watching the full segment “you’ll see that she’s not whitewashing the ...

Seizing On U.S. Weakness, China Warns Taiwan U.S. Will Not Defend Them
With the deterrence of President Trump replaced with the ineptitude of the Biden Administration, China seems even more determined to invade Taiwan. Will the West as we know it even survive the Biden Administration?

Related: CUNNING: China ...

State Department tells THOUSANDS OF STRANDED AMERICANS in Afghanistan to shelter in place and NOT go to the Kabul airport
Shots fired outside airport …… and ‘Biden’ said he won’t prioritize Americans over Afghans in Afghanistan evacuation.

Pentagon press secretary John Kirby confirmed that the administration will not give priority evacuation to Americans ...

Biden Must Answer For The Horrifying Disaster In Kabul
“In April, Biden stood before the American people and promised we would not “conduct a hasty rush to the exit” in Afghanistan, that we would end our mission there “responsibly, deliberately, and safely,” and do it “in full coordination ...

German Chancellor Merkel Says Latest Afghan Developments ‘Awful’
The geo-political map getting redrawn.

And Germany’s president says the images of crowds of Afghans desperately attempting to flee Kabul airport after the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan are “shameful for the political West”.

At ...

Rockets Fired at Israel After Hamas Threat
Think about were the Middle East was when President Trump left office. Iran proxy's Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah will continue to provoke Israel into war, since they know that the Biden Administration will limit Israel's ability to respond. ...

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