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Nellie Mae Education Foundation
Nellie Mae Education Foundation

Strategy Update: October 2019

We are proud to announce that in September, our Board met and affirmed the direction of our proposed grantmaking strategy, which is slated to commence in the first quarter of 2020. Rather than adopting a long-term strategy, we anticipate a new grantmaking approach that calls for deepening relationships with grantees, continuously learning and adapting over time. We anticipate a formal Board adoption of the strategy at our December Board of Directors meeting.

Our new grantmaking strategy will be focused on meeting three goals:

  1. Community, education and teacher leaders and their organizations are supported to advance change efforts at the local and state level that prioritize racial equity outcomes;
  2. Sustained authentic partnerships between communities and their schools are identifying and implementing solutions to achieve racially equitable outcomes; and
  3. Local, state, and national alliances and partnerships are effectively focused on dismantling and transforming systemic (structural and institutional) barriers to racial equity within the educational ecosystem.

Many details are still being worked out. In the meantime, we are continuing to learn about the landscape of communities doing racial equity work throughout the region, and welcome you to tell us about the work that your organization is doing.

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