Josh Stein for Attorney General

North Carolina is beautiful, folks.

That’s why one of my favorite parts of my job is traveling around our state. Not only do I get the chance to have direct conversations with the people we serve, but I’m able to take in the natural beauty North Carolina has to offer.

And if you follow me on social media, you’ll know that I like to share that beauty whenever possible, using the hashtag #SunsetsWithStein. Here are just a few examples:

#SunsetsWithStein on the road to Southeast North Carolina a few weeks ago.

#SunsetsWithStein on the way home from Fayetteville earlier this month.

#SunsetsWithStein on the road with Amos and Jenny (don’t worry, I pulled over before taking this photo).

Every time I take one of these photos, I’m reminded of how lucky I am to serve the people of our splendid state — and of how important it is we protect North Carolina’s natural resources for the next generation.

That means protecting our air and water and preserving North Carolina’s natural resources by holding polluters accountable, fighting for strong environmental protections, and making millions of dollars in environmental enhancement grants through our agreement with Smithfield.  

If you agree, will you sign on now to support our work?


Thanks — and I hope you’ll be on the lookout for more #SunsetsWithStein posts coming soon.


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