I’ll be quick.


Hey John,

Before you head out today, I wanted to humbly ask you to chip in toward our critical mid-month fundraising goal. Here’s the link: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/[email protected]

With less than 12 hours left before the deadline, we still need to raise about $1,000 — and none of us want to fall short.

Small-dollar donors like yourself are the backbone of our grassroots movement. The only way we’re going to defeat Rep. Jeff Van Drew, defeat Trumpism, and focus on prioritizing people over party is if you help us hit our fundraising goal tonight.

Together, we can move South Jersey forward. Our average contribution is just $24.12. Can I count on your support before midnight?

Here’s your link again: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/[email protected]

Thank you,

Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse typos.


Tim Alexander is a former detective and civil rights attorney, running to defeat Trump loyalist Jeff Van Drew in New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District.
Can you rush a $5 donation to help fuel our grassroots movement and flip this seat blue? >>>


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