Here’s how our work adds up to a transformed Texas.

Ground Game Texas

Friend, let’s do a little math.

Through our campaign to decriminalize marijuana and ban no-knock warrants in Austin, we’ve collected information from over 25,000 voters for whom the voting address is not current. That’s thousands of untapped voters we can help with correcting their registrations and making sure they’re ready to vote. We’re hoping to turn out at least 5,000 new voters from updating voter registrations alone, hopefully more!

Now, scale up this kind of work to two dozen cities and towns across Texas, and what do you get? 

Tens of thousands of new progressive voters — enough to decide an election.

Now here’s one last number for you, friend: $20. That’s a typical grassroots donation to Ground Game Texas. Folks like you chipping in $20 (or anything you can) are the only reason we’ll be able to scale up to make a statewide impact.

Will you chip in $20 today to help Ground Game Texas reach a goal of raising $5,000 before midnight tomorrow? Every dollar you give will help us bring our successful approach in Austin to other cities so we can reach tens of thousands more Texas voters.

Contribute $20 »

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City by city, town by town, we’re using popular issues to mobilize voters of every age and background. That work adds up, friend — and so do the generous grassroots donations from supporters like you. Whatever you can pitch in to help today, we’re grateful for.


Julie Oliver, Mike Siegel, and Team Ground Game Texas