18 Democratic AGs are SUING to stop Trump from GUTTING the Endangered Species Act, which saved bald eagles and other precious wildlife from extinction.


We need 50,000 people to stand with Democratic AGs and reject Trump’s latest attack on the environment. Will you stand with Democratic AGs?

Friend: When the Trump administration moved to GUT the Endangered Species Act, thousands of you took action and spoke out against this attack on the law that saved bald eagles and humpback whales from extinction.

Now, a coalition of 18 Democratic AGs have united to SUE the Trump administration and block their short-sighted rollback of the Endangered Species Act. But they can’t do it alone. We need 50,000 supporters – including you – to stand with the Democratic AGs fighting in court to protect vulnerable species. Will you add your name?

URGENT: Don’t be silence in the face of Trump’s war on science. Add your name to stand with Democratic AGs in their lawsuit against Trump

If Trump gets his way, we’ll likely see new oil and gas drilling in areas where at-risk species currently live. And it’ll be harder for scientists to accurately study the effects of climate change.

But it’s all part of Trump’s war on science and the environment that is having devastating impacts on communities across the country. That’s why Democratic AGs are suing to block Trump from destroying the Endangered Species Act as we know it.

Democratic AGs have stopped Trump dozens of times, and they can do it again here. But they need to know that you have their back. Will you be one of the 50,000 supporters we need to stand with Democratic AGs in their lawsuit against Trump?

Will you stand with Democratic AGs in their lawsuit against Trump’s attack on endangered species?

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