Hi John,
Last week, volunteers banded together in nearly 30 cities across America as part of our Democracy Can't Wait Week of Action to amp up the pressure on Congress to pass the For the People Act. From crafting parties to barbeques, petition drives to DIY mobile billboards, volunteers got creative – and thousands more took action online.
Thank you to the super-volunteers who organized events on short notice!
These grassroots tactics showed Senators that voters care about the For the People Act and want them to pass it. And they happened because of the nearly 3,000 members of the RepresentUs Common Wealth, who donate a gift each month to make events like the Week of Action possible.
 Oakland Volunteer Leaders Bridge Banner Drop
But we know obstructionists in Congress are willing to do anything to stop this bill – and they continued to stall the Senate last week, filibustering the Act once again before going on recess. That’s why it’s so important that we have a reserve of funds that we can use to mobilize folks at a moment’s notice.
In order to apply pressure where and WHEN it's most effective, RepresentUs has to act FAST – often within an hour or two of breaking news. Monthly donors allow us to fast-track money to tactics that can't wait (even for an email to you, asking for urgent donations).
Will you join the Common Wealth by making a monthly donation? 100% of your donation goes directly to frontline democracy defense, not overhead*.

RepresentUs Week of Action volunteers in Arizona tell their Senators to pass the 'For the People Act'
Common Wealth donors build a sustainable, nimble movement that can respond quickly when politicians decide to do something sneaky... which it turns out, is unfortunately pretty often.
Whether you can pledge $100 or $10 per month, we’ll put your money right to work.

Can’t make a donation right now but still want to fight corruption with us? Join our National Phone Bank tonight, Tuesday, August 17th, 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM ET. (First time phonebanking with RepresentUs? Don't worry, we kick off every phonebank with a training at the top of the call on Zoom.)
The fight to save democracy takes all of us doing what we can, when we can. If we do nothing, nothing changes.
With gratitude,
James Jameson Deputy Mobilization Director RepresentUs
*Don’t worry, another cadre of generous donors covers RepUs overhead costs. So you can give a monthly gift to frontline work without worrying if we can do critical and deeply uncool things like pay our insurance premiums and buy ink for the copier. Thanks for looking out.