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Make no mistake, the US military will continue to thrive after Afghanistan

By Douglas Macgregor on Aug 16, 2021 03:31 am

There are too many careers and too much money tied to American power projection. So expect it to shift, not recede from the stage.
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20-year US intervention in ruins as Taliban enters Kabul

By Adam Weinstein on Aug 15, 2021 09:34 am

The world watches as the Afghan government tragically teeters on the brink and America reflects on its failed policies there.
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Is Washington sabotaging the JCPOA talks?

By Daniel Larison on Aug 13, 2021 03:38 am

Rejoining the JCPOA was a comparatively straightforward task which is taking too much time and effort to complete.
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Staying in Afghanistan wasn’t an option

By Dan DePetris on Aug 13, 2021 03:12 am

Cities are falling to the Taliban at a rapid pace, but the conditions for failure were set long before the US troop withdrawal this summer.
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Report reaffirms that climate is the national security threat of our times

By Anatol Lieven on Aug 10, 2021 02:47 pm

The Biden administration must address this strategically or there will be nothing left of the 'global order' as we know it.
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