Sunday 12th September. 12pm - 1pm Live from all People's Assembly Social Media Platforms

The last year has exposed all the insecurity that working people face under capitalism. We saw tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths because the country was not prepared to face the Covid 19 pandemic due to cuts in our public services, not least in the National Health Service itself. The Tories created a false choice between saving lives or saving the economy which led to late lockdown while they prioritised enriching friends, families and corporate bankers by awarding billions in contracts for services that were never delivered, like the track and trace system, or completely inadequate, like the failure to provide proper PPE for frontline health workers. 


They just didn’t let us down, they robbed us blind in the process and they don’t give a damn! Despite all their talk of “levelling up” it is clear they now want us to pay for the mess, just as they did after the collapse of the banks in 2008.  Cuts, privatisation, low wages, attacks on social security and the NHS, zero hours contracts and now fire & rehire.  We also face the developing catastrophe of climate change, no amount of empty pledges, promises and fine words will resolve a problem created and driven by the profit system the Tories represent.     


Unable to provide any solutions for working people the Tories will seek to divide us through dog whistle racism and cynical “culture wars”. The invasion of Afghanistan by western imperialism, opposed at the by the anti-war movement which correctly predicted its humiliating defeat, will be used to whip up further hysteria about refugees. 


When unions stood up to the Tories during the pandemic they won important concessions for their members, and for the public too, on issues like health and safety and financial support for working people, and they did so with public support - so much for the nonsense that unions are not popular.


The People’s Assembly pre-TUC Rally will give delegates and all workers an opportunity to hear from leading trade unionists and social movement campaigners about how our movement must prepare to respond to the attacks of the Tories.  


We are entering a period of instability and struggle with many dangers, but also tremendous opportunities to campaign and fight to defend and improve our wages, terms and conditions and our rights and civil liberties..  And, in the interests of all workers whether employed or unemployed, whether in the public or private sectors – to fight against the systematic destruction of our public services, including our priceless NHS through under-funding, out-sourcing and privatisation. 


No force in society is more capable to oppose the Tories than the trade union movement.  To do so our movement needs unity and solidarity as never before and a commitment to for a socialist alternative to the misery and chaos of capitalism. 

Join us Live for this important Pre TUC Rally 12 September 12noon on:
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