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Tuesday, August 17th, 2021

Don’t Trust the Brain Trust

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Kabul Has Fallen – But Don’t Blame Biden

Ron Paul, MD

How Nixon and the Rockefellers Teamed Up To Destroy the Dollar

Patrick Newman

The False Spectre of ‘Domestic Terrorism Threats’ Is Nothing More Than a Government Plot To Control and Incarcerate Dissenters

Gary D. Barnett

Strange Days Ahead

James Howard Kunstler

Ambrose Bierce’s Pro-Freedom Cynicism

James Bovard

The New World Order, Courtesy of Rube Goldberg

Jeff Thomas

The Agenda for Serfdom in the Land of the Free

Janet Levy

The Evidence Is In: The Covid Vaccine Is a Failure

Paul Craig Roberts

Covid & the Trojan Horse

Martin Armstrong

Navy Commander Warns of National Security Threat from Mandatory Vaccination


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