America last.
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‘Biden’ Won’t Prioritize Americans Over Afghans in Afghanistan Evacuation
America last.

Biden Will Not Prioritize Americans Over Afghans in Afghanistan Evacuation

By: John Binder, Breitbart News, August 16, 2021:

President Joe Biden is not planning to prioritize thousands of American citizens stranded in ...

Report: Iranian President Hoping For Escalation With West
The killers of the world know that they may never see a weaker and more incompetent American administration than the Biden Administration. So they are going to pounce. Expect much more chaos from the world's most brutal and dystopian regimes during ...

Biden’s ‘Woke’ Gen. Mark Milley, in July: ‘Afghan Security Forces Have the Capacity to … Defend Their Country
You can't make this stuff up. And the enemedia cheers them.

'Woke' Gen. Mark Milley, in July: 'Afghan Security Forces Have the Capacity to … Defend Their Country

‘Woke’ Gen. Mark Milley, in July: ‘Afghan Security Forces Have the ...

“Biden” Admin Sending 6,000 US TROOPS Into Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Hellhole
Where EVERYONE, and do mean everyone, hates them now. What could possibly go wrong?Biden sends 5,000 troops to Afghanistan as the Taliban captures key northern city

President Biden said Saturday he would send approximately 5,000 U.S. troops to ...

Biden and the Democrats have given a new lease on life to every imperious genocidal jihad-savage.

Hamas congratulates Taliban for ‘defeating’ US

“We congratulate the Muslim Afghan people for the defeat of the American occupation ...

Biden’s Infamous Afghanistan Speech: Taliban Takeover Won’t Happen, “No, It Is Not Inevitable”
No accountability. No redress. More insurrection policy from the coup administration.

Former CIA Officer Looks Back on Biden's July Speech: 'Most Infamous – and Devastating' – News Conference by a US President

By Jack Davis, Western ...

NYC Democrat Mayor De Blasio Plans To Give $1,000 to Violent Criminals
Legal plunder by government criminals.

We the people have no representation. You don't have to be a clairvoyant to see where this is going.

De Blasio’s plan to give a grand a month to violent offenders is insane

By: NY Post, August ...

ELECTION FRAUD BOMBSHELL: Fulton County Registration Chief RESIGNS
The infamous Fulton election fraud gang appears to imploding. How long before Ruby Freeman and daughter come in from the cold?

Suitcase Election Fraud Suspect Ralph Jones LIED, Reported A Leaky Urinal as a MAJOR Burst Pipe in Atlanta STOPPED ...

CUNNING: China Issues Statement To Align With Them As Real “Good Faith” Partners, Not The “Bullying Acts of [U.S.] Unilateral Sanctions & Gross Interference”
And so the geo-political reset begins….the fall-out from “Biden's” Afghan catastrophe will be felt for generations to come (just like Carter's epic fail in Iran).

— Spokesperson发言人办公室 ...

Taliban Holds Press Conference From Presidential Palace While Biden Hides From Public
The Democrats blew up America and then ….. the world.

The most humiliating day for America in our nation's storied history.

Taliban Holds Press Conference From Presidential Palace While Biden Hides From Public

By Ryan Saavedra, Daily ...

Rape of Afghanistan: Taliban Go Door-To-Door, Forcibly Taking Little Girls To Be Sex Slaves (Sanctioned by Quran)
And CNN has en-robed their female reporters covering Afghanistan in burkas.

Related: Afghan 3-year-old fighting for life after rape

The Taliban are devout Muslims who follow Islamic texts and teachings.

Sex slavery and rape of the ...

HORROR: ‘Palestinian’ Nazis in Samaria Burn SWASTIKA Inside Jewish Star: “We Want To BURN You Alive. That’s All We Are Working For”
The Muslim world aligned with Hitler. No surprise. The world's denial, sanction even, is what is monstrous and despicable.

“We want to burn you alive. That is all we are working for” – the message from Palestinians who burned ...

Wardrobe change for CNN’s Clarissa Ward

in Afghanistan today

Wardrobe change for CNN’s @clarissaward in Afghanistan today

— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) August 16, 2021

AMERICA’S OPEN BORDERS: Taliban Releases THOUSANDS of Islamic State Terrorists (VIDEO)
This is a catastrophe.


Taliban have now freed THOUSANDS of ISIS Terrorists who were imprisoned at the base

— Atlas Shrugs (@atlasshrugs) August 16, 2021

Video shows thousands ...

…‘I’m Hopelessly Stuck’: Stranded Americans Plea for Help…Afghan Allies Plea for Help as Taliban Conquers Kabul
The horror. “Biden” blew up America's standing in the world and left mass graves in his wake.

Joe Biden’s still on “vacation” today. Meanwhile in Kabul:

— House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) August 16, ...

9/11 Warning
We owe it all the “Biden” regime.

‘A matter of time until another 9/11’ warn experts as airport security weaker than ever

The Department of Homeland Security issued a bulletin saying the 9/11 20th anniversary could spur extremist ...

China Building Third Missile Field for Hundreds of New ICBMs
China is on the march now that the Biden Administration has destroyed America's deterrence. Don't be surprised if China invades Taiwan after the 2022 Winter Olympics being held in Beijing. Especially now that China sees how incompetently the Biden ...

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