John, I wish I were bringing better news: Republicans have a massive advantage in Florida organizing and mobilization. That's on top of their massive advantage in resources: at least $32 million raised between Marco Rubio and the Senate Republican campaign arm the past few months.

Look, our grassroots movement is working. The Cook Political Report increased our chances of winning, but this race isn't going to be easy. I want you to know my fundraising goals matter: When I can't reach my goals, I risk a very meaningful win for Floridians and our country. And right now, I'm still $9,123 short of my goal, with only hours until my midnight deadline.

Please, I wouldn't ask if it weren't so important to me. Can I count on you to split a contribution of $15 or more between my campaign and Seth Moulton's right now to help me defeat Marco Rubio and protect our Democratic Senate majority?


Thank you,

Val Demings