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Friends! Heads up!!!

As you plan out your week, remember we have our big townhall with Sen Ted Cruz on Wednesday evening at 6:30pm!

What are you wearing??? I'll be in orange! Read on to find out why!

There are THREE ways to participate in this event:
  1. In person at the Grapevine Convention Center for anyone who can get there - no tickets or rsvps needed. All of our DFW area groups are encouraged to be there: Tarrant, Denton, Ellis, Dallas, and Collin Counties.
  2. In a group viewing at any of our TTP satellite locations around the state -- it's more fun with friends! We have livestream groups watching in Lubbock, Cameron, NW Harris, Brazos, and Travis Counties!
  3. Watch it livestreamed from our True Texas Project Events page (we've been banned from livestreaming on our regular page, so go to the events page).
You can submit written questions by replying to this email, on note cards at the event, or on the livestream comments.
This event will bring in a lot of people who only pay attention to national politics and seem to think "Abbott is doing a fine job" so it's a great opportunity to tune them in to the governor race. I'm asking everyone to wear their Huffines, West, Prather, Anyone But Abbott, AbbottOUTor FireAbbott tshirts, buttons, hats, and/or stickers. Each campaign will have a table at the venue for voters to get more info, sign up to help, etc. I'm hoping some may even have stickers, buttons, or even clothing for you if you don't already have any gear. Or make your own!
  abbott%20out%20merch.jpg Huffines%20merch.jpg


Or if you don't have anything and can't make something, you can always wear Sen Cruz's favorite shirt.  ;-)


 The 2nd big, statewide event this week is the Texans For Vaccine Choice Freedom Rally in Austin on Saturday the 21st.  It's scary how quickly they are trying to move forward with mandated vaccines and vaccine passports.

Here are a couple of memes I found that I liked on this topic!




It's been inspiring to see the rallies being held around the world to push back.  Texas shouldn't be any different!  If you'd like to carpool with us, email [email protected].  Of course you can always just go on your own and meet everyone there as well.  Be heard!

Fran and I are busier than ever, along with a great team of employees and volunteers, providing every opportunity for folks to be engaged in protecting liberty.  We love working alongside you!

Julie McCarty
volunteer CEO of True Texas Project

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