
We have some recent good news. EMF Safety advocates: EHT, CHD, other groups and individuals have won an important appeals court case against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The FCC is now forced to substantiate how the federal wireless radiation guidelines are safe. More from EHT and CHD.

IMPORTANT: If you live in California there's a group working hard to stop several wireless bills. Americans for Responsible Technology writes, "The next fourteen days will determine whether 5G deployment races ahead in California, or whether sanity prevails and science wins." Please support their efforts by signing up to stay informed with them, follow their action requests and donate to support their efforts!

After many years of being on the front lines of EMF activism I have needed to step back. I am grateful for others who are continuing the work. The website has been kept updated, and I still have flyers, brochures and a few stop 5G tote bags that I can mail to you at no cost. See below photo. Let me know by email [email protected]

Can you BRAG about your city? Dr. Magda Havas has initiated a Global EMF Monitoring project, calling for volunteers to measure EMF’s in their city. Here's a short breakdown on how the project works. If you would like to volunteer send a quick email to: [email protected]

I wish you EMF safety and may there be justice for those injured.

All my best,

Sandi Maurer

Flyers, brochures, handouts and a few stop 5G tote to educate your community.