Instead of attacking the COVID-19 virus, Governor Abbott is attacking our kids.



Instead of attacking the COVID-19 virus, Governor Abbott is attacking our kids.

Yesterday, the Texas Supreme Court supported Governor Abbott's executive order which bans schools from requiring masks. Under Governor Abbott’s rule, schools that institutes a mask mandate will be subject to a fine of up to $1,000.

We will NOT let our kids’ lives be put at risk. That’s why Ground Game Texas PAC is partnering with Safe Schools For All and People First Future to launch a bail fund to help local Texas school districts pay any fines incurred from defying Gov. Abbott’s order.

Friend, will you rush a contribution today to help us raise $100,000 for the bail fund for Texas schools? It’s what we need in order to protect at least 100 school districts that stand up to Governor Greg Abbott and his loyal Texas Supreme Court.

Contribute »

  Julie Oliver
Photo of Julie Oliver

"Instead of supporting the exemplary local elected officials, health administrators, teachers, and school staff who are trying to do everything they can to keep our kids safe, Governor Abbott is sabotaging them. He should get out of the way, and let the local Texas leaders who know what our communities need to do what we need to do to keep our kids safe."

  Mike Siegel
Photo of Mike Siegel

“We can’t let Greg Abbott and his loyal Texas Supreme Court stop us from protecting our kids. This fund will make sure that school districts and officials take the right actions to protect human life, period.”

The threat of a $1,000 fine is preventing many school districts from implementing universal masking policies — even though we know these policies save lives, and are especially important for children under 12 who cannot receive a vaccination.

And now the Texas Supreme Court indicated that it will not support counties and school districts when they require masks indoors. So it's up to us to support our schools and local leaders when they do the right thing to protect our kids.

Please, chip in $10 or any amount you can today to help Texas schools keep kids safe from COVID-19.

Thank you for meeting this moment with us,

Julie Oliver & Mike Siegel