We must move extremely aggressively in combating climate change if we are to prevent irreparable damage to our country and the planet.

Friends -

The $3.5 trillion reconciliation budget that was recently passed in the Senate lays the groundwork for a historic reconciliation bill that will be transformative for working families, the children, the elderly, the sick and the poor. It will be a long-overdue step forward in the fight for economic, racial and social justice. It will also create millions of good-paying jobs.

As Chairman of the Budget Committee, my hope is that the various committees will soon finish their work and that the bill will be on the floor and adopted by Congress in late September.

The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report makes it absolutely clear. The United States and countries throughout the world must move extremely aggressively in combating climate change if we are to prevent irreparable damage to our country and the planet. There is no time to lose. The future of the world as we know it is at stake.

Take a look around.

This is not a silly plot in some disaster movie. This is reality. This is what we are experiencing now, and it will only get much worse in years to come if we do not act boldly NOW.

This Reconciliation Bill, the details of which are still being written, will not do everything that needs to be done. But, by investing many hundreds of billions into the reduction of carbon emissions it will be, by far, the most significant step forward in our country's history in fighting climate change and will set an example of what other countries should be doing.

Here are some of the proposals that are currently in the bill:

As you may know, the Budget Resolution was passed last Wednesday at 4:00 a.m., by a vote of 50-49 after 14 hours of debate. No Republican supported it, and no Republican will support the Reconciliation Bill. The Democratic Caucus will have to do it on its own.

That means that we must demand that EVERY Democrat supports a Reconciliation Bill that is strong on climate change. No wavering. No watering down. This is the moment. The future of the planet is at stake.

Please sign my petition and tell the Democratic Leadership that we want a Reconciliation Bill with the boldest possible language to address climate change. Now is the time.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders