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Subject FFF Daily - August 16, 2021
Date August 16, 2021 3:04 PM
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** MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 2021
You may ask what then will become of the fundamental principles of equity and fair play which our constitutions enshrine; and whether I seriously believe that unsupported they will serve merely as counsels of moderation. I do not think that anyone can say what will be left of those principles; I do not know whether they will serve only as counsels; but this much I think I do know -- that a society so riven that the spirit of moderation is gone, no court can save; that a society where that spirit flourishes, no court need save; that in a society which evades its responsibility by thrusting upon the courts the nurture of that spirit, that spirit in the end will perish.
– Judge Learned Hand,
The Contribution of an Independent Judiciary to Civilization [1942]

August 13, 2021
Blame Biden for Losing Afghanistan? ([link removed])
It is becoming increasingly clear that the strategy of interventionist dead-enders is to blame President Biden for losing Afghanistan to the Taliban. If only he had kept U.S. troops there a bit longer or even indefinitely, their argument goes, the crooked and corrupt U.S.-installed Afghan puppet regime could have won the war and finally brought “enduring freedom” to Afghanistan.
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[link removed] Ambrose Bierce's Pro-Freedom Cynicism ([link removed])
by James Bovard
The Future of Freedom Foundation
Why George Orwell’s Ideas Remain Relevant 75 years after ‘Animal Farm’ ([link removed])
by Mark Satta
Rejection of US Hiroshima Myths Long Overdue ([link removed])
by John LaForge
Biden Must Call Off the B-52s Bombing Afghan Cities ([link removed])
by Medea Benjamin
and Nicolas J. S. Davies
Common Dreams
Taliban Victories Explain the Wisdom of US Withdrawal ([link removed])
by Thomas L. Knapp
Garrison Center
Nixon’s Gold Treachery Made Me a Cynic ([link removed])
by James Bovard
As America’s Imperial Ambitions Collapse, Washington Should Ask: Who Lost Afghanistan? ([link removed])
by Doug Bandow
The History of US-Russia Relations and the Threat of a New Cold War ([link removed])
by Ray McGovern with Scott Horton
The Scott Horton Show
Congress Can Avoid Further Diminishing Its Status by Letting the ERA Languish ([link removed])
by George F. Will
Washington Post
The Most High-Profile Al Qaeda Plot Foiled After 9/11 Was an FBI Scam ([link removed])
by Alice Speri
The Intercept

Happy Hour May Be Getting a Little Happier ([link removed])
by Laurence M. Vance
“It’s five o’clock somewhere,” so the song and the story go. This phrase is used by those wishing to justify drinking alcohol at some ...
Separate Healthcare and the State ([link removed])
by Jacob G. Hornberger
FFF president Jacob Hornberger gives an update on the current status of the country's healthcare system. COVID-19 ...
A Deficit of Clear Thinking About Loss of Freedom ([link removed])
by Richard M. Ebeling
Rightly, much is being made about the size of federal government spending and the annual budget deficits, along with the projected resulting growth in ...
Frank Chodorov's Peaceful, Persistent Revolution, Part 2 ([link removed])
by Wendy McElroy
Chodorov’s rejection of war was motivated largely by the growth of the state that accompanied it and that savaged ...
James Woolsey's JFK Conspiracy Theory, Part 2 ([link removed])
by Jacob G. Hornberger
After the deadly fiasco at Cuba’s Bay of Pigs, where Cuban communist forces defeated a CIA-sponsored invasion of the ...
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The Libertarian Angle ([link removed])
Thursday, August 19, 2021
World Wide Web
Speaker: Jacob Hornberger
FFF Civil Liberties Conference ([link removed])
Every Tuesday at 7pm Eastern beginning on September 14
Online via Zoom
Speakers: Tom Palmer, Stephen Halbrook, Jim Bovard, Michael Glennon, Richard Ebeling, Jonathan Turley, Andrew Napolitano, Ron Paul, and Jacob Hornberger
Jacob Hornberger to Speak at CAPA Conference ([link removed])
Saturday and Sunday November 20-21, 2021
Dallas, Texas
Speakers: Andrew Kreig, Dr. Cyril Wecht, Russ Baker, James Wagenvoord, Jacob Hornberger, Tink Thompson, Gary Aguilar, and others.

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