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A typical Anglican congregation numbered just 27 worshippers last year and just 1.2% of the population across England attends church on Sundays regularly,
figures revealed yesterday.
A poll has found that around 20% of people in the UK think being LGBT+ is immoral or goes against their beliefs, while one in 10 think LGBT people can be
The United States is becoming a less Christian country, and the decline in religious affiliation is particularly rapid among younger Americans, new figures
The head of a Maldivian activist group said Thursday police contacted her as part of an investigation into a report published by her organization that has
been accused of slandering Islam.
Women living in states with more restrictive policies on abortion are turning to online sources for medications that can be used to induce the procedure, a
study published Thursday found.
Malaysia's largest Islamic party is pushing for Oktoberfest events across the country to be banned, renewing a familiar culture war in the Muslim-majority
Campaigners in Lancaster have started a petition calling on a Church of England secondary school to end religious discrimination in its admissions policy.
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