The dead are returning, jihad has risen. As an eyewitness from inside the belly of the beast, Let me tell you, we were safe under Trump.The numerous Islamic assassination plots stopped and the jihadis behind those plots were killed or convicted. We were ...
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Taliban: ‘Islamic law will come not to just Afghanistan, but all over the world. Jihad will not end until last day.’
The dead are returning, jihad has risen. As an eyewitness from inside the belly of the beast, Let me tell you, we were safe under Trump.The numerous Islamic assassination plots stopped and the jihadis behind those plots were killed or convicted. We ...

CHINESE BIO-WEAPON: Most Vaccinated Country in World is Preparing for Another Massive Lockdown
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Wall Street Journal: Israel, Widely Vaccinated, Suffers Another Covid-19 Surge

Country delivers more booster shots, restores mask and quarantine mandates ...

DHS: Opposition To COVID-19 Restrictions Could Make Someone A Domestic Terrorism Threat
Patriotism, individual rights and freedoms, property rights — the bedrock of our Constitution are now the 'enemy.' American has been overthrown. The election coup is complete.

You can avoid reality but you cannot the consequences of avoiding ...

California: Democratic Councilman Among SIX Charged With Election Fraud
“The safest most secure election in American history.”

California Democratic City Councilman Among 6 Charged With Election Fraud

The truth is starting to come to light in California.

By: We Love Trump, August 15, 2021

A Compton ...

Biden’s Conspicuous Disappearance As Taliban Takes Over Afghanistan Amid Mass Bloodshed and Slaughter
Check out my latest interview with Sputnik News concerning Biden's deteriorating mental state in the midst of the Taliban takeove .

Puppet Master is Calling Back His Puppet'? What May Be Behind Biden's 'Vacation' Amid Taliban Surge

By Daria ...

Afghanistan’s Former President: ‘The U.S. Has Failed’
Many people are comparing Kabul now to Saigon in 1975, but Andrew Bostom showed the fallacy in that: “There is a stark difference between S. Vietnam and Afghanistan. Totalitarian Communism was imposed from outside Vietnam by Communists trained in ...

Biden Blasted For Destroying America’s Reputation as World Watches Taliban’s Sick Slaughter Rampage
The incompetent Biden Administration has destroyed America's credibility and deterrence in just a little over 7 months. This is why the stability of the world is in a freefall. However, this was entirely predictable. The Biden Administration's ...

VIDEO/PHOTOS: Taliban Captures Hundreds of US Military Vehicles, Blackhawk Choppers, Tons of American Weaponry.

The fallout will will be brutal or the region and the free world.

2020 Taliban: Put machine gun on truck

2021 Taliban: Mount laser-guided munitions onto A-29B light attack aircraft

— Oryx ...

EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE: Another NYC Marche for Medical Freedom
July 24, 2021 was my third Freedom Rally (previous were May 15, June 26) Next, we'll be at City Hall on August 9th.

Video 1 every one assembles at fountain

Video 2– We fear the indifference to a Bill Gates depopulation agenda. ...


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