With our mid-month deadline ending tonight at midnight, I am counting on patriots like you to pitch in and keep me in the fight! John, With our mid-month deadline ending tonight at midnight, I am counting on patriots like you to pitch in and keep me in the fight! I don’t know if you’ve heard, but August is heating up to be a key month in the battle for our freedom. We have seen leftist politicians bring back mask mandates, push to federalize elections, and now they want to pass a $3.5 trillion partisan spending bill! With American optimism in our future falling by the day, now is the time for us to take a stand and show America that our future is bright! However, to do that, we are going to have to remove far-left Democrats from leadership and win back a GOP majority! PITCH IN TO TO FIGHT THE LEFT CHIP IN TO FLIP THE HOUSE I know America deserves better than the crooked and corrupt policies being pushed by the Left. If they have it their way we would see our Constitution gutted, our elections rigged, and every American masked up or at home. While the Radical Left continues to pass divisive and irresponsible policies, I’m working to flip the House, keep our elections in the hands of the states, and fight back against the Democrats' overreaching agenda. With just hours to go before our mid-month deadline ends - Can I count on you to pitch in and help me keep up the fight for our conservative values? For Texas and America, Beth Van Duyne Beth Van Duyne for Congress | P.O. Box 630167, Irving, TX 75063 Unsubscribe xxxxxx@gmail.com Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by info@bethfortexas.com