Here’s the plan:

Tim Alexander For Congress


Just days ago, Jeff Van Drew traveled to Trump Tower to privately meet with the former disgraced president.

Simply put, he’s desperate.

Polling has shown our campaign is neck-and-neck with Jeff Van Drew. He knows he’s vulnerable next year, so he’s relying on these secret meetings with Trump to access his right-wing donor network.

Let’s make sure this private meeting backfires on Jeff Van Drew. Here’s the plan: our mid-month deadline is in just 48 hours, and if we can raise $5,000 before then, we can show Trump, Van Drew, and ALL of their right-wing allies who they’re really messing with.

Let’s make this secret meeting backfire on one of Trump’s closest allies, John – rush a $24.12 donation now to help me DEFEAT Jeff Van Drew and flip our seat blue >>>

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Look, I jumped into this race because I’m tired of politics as usual.

Rep. Van Drew had a chance to hold the most corrupt president in history accountable. Instead, he did this:

Jeff Van Drew shakes hands, pledges “undying support” to Trump
Jeff Van Drew shakes hand, pledges “undying support” to Trump

It’s been almost two years since Jeff Van Drew pledged his undying support to Trump, and nothing has changed. Jeff Van Drew abandoned his principles to join the right-wing mob, and now, South Jersey is left with the consequences.

South Jerseyans deserve a leader who will stand up for them – not cowards like Donald Trump. Let’s make sure Jeff Van Drew learns that lesson next year. I need your help to make this stunt BACKFIRE on Van Drew: Rush a donation of $24.12 before our critical mid-month deadline on Tuesday >>>

Thank you,

Tim Alexander for Congress

Tim Alexander

Donate Now


Tim Alexander is a former detective and civil rights attorney, running to defeat Trump loyalist Jeff Van Drew in New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District.
Can you rush a $5 donation to help fuel our grassroots movement and flip this seat blue? >>>


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