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Biden's Worst Week as President Yet

Katie Pavlich

A Total Failure on Every Level

Kurt Schlichter

Don’t Ever Believe For One Second That Liberals Give A Damn

Derek Hunter

CNN Scrambles After Rand Paul Is Suspended for Saying What Was Spoken on Their Network

Brad Slager

Bloated Bipartisan $1.1 Trillion Infrastructure Bill Is Neither Reasonable Nor Centrist

Kay Coles James

Election Integrity Reform Is Key to Preventing A Socialist Takeover of America

Ken Blackwell

If Trump Were President, Not One Democrat in America Would Be Vaccinated

Wayne Allyn Root

A Quick, Compelling Bible Study Vol. 74: Hebrew Bible - God, Moses, Bronze Snake, and Jesus

Myra Kahn Adams

The Pitiful Fall of Western Principle

Pat McGeehan

'Cautionary Tale': MSNBC's Joy Reid Likens Taliban's Mistreatment of Women to Religious Right in US

Rebecca Downs

Philadelphia Mandate for City Workers: Be Fully Vaccinated or Double Mask

Rebecca Downs

Facing Catastrophic Defeat, Biden Has Finally Chimed in on Afghanistan

Katie Pavlich

Fox News Poll is Bad News for Biden on the Issues

Rebecca Downs

Last Major City in Northern Afghanistan Falls to Taliban While Joe Biden Vacations at Camp David

Rebecca Downs

DOE Offers Funds to Florida Schools Hit with Financial Penalties for Defying DeSantis' Mask Mandate Ban

Landon Mion

Critics Deceptively Claim Laura Ingraham Wants People to Starve

Rebecca Downs

Why Did Cuomo Visit the Child Prostitution Capitol of the Hemisphere?

Humberto Fontova

Cuomo's Misdeeds Reflect Larger Problem

Kathryn Lopez

Ebrahim Raisi's Cabinet, a Collection of Suppressors and Looters!

Cyrus Yaqubi

As U.S. Forces Leave Afghanistan, Special Forces Operators Reflect on Their K9 Partners

Jason Piccolo

Afghanistan: It Did Not Have to End This Way

Bill Wenger

Dumbing Down Our Kids of Color

Michael Reagan

Afghanistan Imploding – Time to Show U.S. Strength

John Ullyot

Desperate CISA Reaches Out to Big-Tech for Cybersecurity Help

Julio Rivera

Journal Sentinel Ramps Up War on Johnson, Privacy

M.D. Kittle

Sensing a Pattern: Bill Maher Slams Cancel Culture Again for Attacks on Seemingly-Woke Celebrities

Landon Mion

Federal Judge Orders Biden Admin to Bring Back Trump's Remain-in-Mexico Immigration Policy

Landon Mion

Rep. Lee Zeldin on State of Governor's Race in New York: Democrats in New York Facing 'Identity Crisis'

Rebecca Downs

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Wisconsin Negligent Discharge Shows Futility Of Gun Laws | Ranjit Singh
New York City To Pay Criminals Not To Shoot People | Tom Knighton
Some Really Think Permitless Carry Means No Background Checks | Tom Knighton
No, Mexico Isn't Right To Sue US Gun Makers | Tom Knighton
"Gun Violence Roundtable" Doesn't Have A Seat For Gun Owners | Cam Edwards