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Weekend Edition, August 14-15, 2021

The Silence of the Shepherds

Angelo Codevilla

Richard Nixon’s Dirty Deed – 50 Years Later

David Stockman

Fr. McCarthy’s First Homily

Ellen Finnigan

There Are Serpents Among Us

Allan Stevo

Brace for Impact

James Howard Kunstler

Fauci, The Political Scientist, Rolls on Down the Road

Jon Rappoport

Two Charts Destroy Big Lie About ‘Climate Change’ and Wildfires

Issues & Insights

Why Do Some People Support Tyranny While Others Defy It?

Brandon Smith

Dr. Robert Malone Explains mRNA Vaccines and The Noble Lie Used by the Medical Establishment To Manipulate Vaccine Propaganda

Robert Malone, MD, MS

Who Lost America’s Longest War?

Patrick J. Buchanan

Refuse ALL Fear Narratives

Catte Black

Frontline Care Doctor Shares How To End Covid

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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