EMERGENCY ALERT URGENT: We’re mobilizing in Haiti after a devastating earthquake. Our team at Mercy Corps is ready to take action after a crisis, wherever and whenever needed. Rush your gift now to support our team when crisis strikes ▸ |
Friend, I’m writing this to you in the wake of a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Haiti. To put this into perspective, one of the most damaging earthquakes that struck the country in 2010, was of 7.0 magnitude. Today’s earthquake was even stronger. Our Haiti team — all safe and accounted for — are working hard to assess the damage and determine how we can best support communities in need, they anticipate that some of the immediate needs will be food, clean water, and shelter. All over the world, we have teams like our one in Haiti — ready to mobilize when natural disasters, conflict, and public health outbreaks shake communities to their core. Will you make an emergency gift today to help our teams respond to crises in places like Haiti and around the world? ![]()
Mercy Corps team member assessing the damage in Nippes, Haiti after today’s 7.2 earthquake.
Mercy Corps has worked in Haiti since 2010, reaching more than a million people with emergency supplies, clean water, cholera prevention, psychosocial support, and temporary jobs immediately after the 2010 earthquake. The majority of our work now is focused on boosting small business and entrepreneurs, providing skills training for young people, and helping rural farmers mitigate the economic and environmental effects of future disasters. This crucial work is possible because of people like you. Please take a moment today to help us continue important day-to-day work to build more resilient communities around the globe, and help mitigate the damage done by natural disasters, like the crisis in Haiti today. Thank you for your generosity in moments of crisis and beyond, ![]() Adrienne Karecki, Mercy Corps Chief Development and Marketing Officer |