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Concerned Veterans for America


The United States is close to closing the book on the war in Afghanistan that took thousands of lives and trillions of dollars over nearly 20 years of combat. Even as the situation in the country continues to evolve, our presence in the country is not in our nation's best interests.

You played an important role in encouraging our withdrawal and refocusing our foreign policy on what’s best for the country and our fellow Americans. With your help, we sent more than 1 million emails to Washington demanding an end to America’s longest war

Let's keep it up. It's time to get our troops out of Iraq.

The Iraq War has been a blunder from the start — taking lives, dollars, and other resources that our country can't afford to waste. After 18 years, there is little to show for our efforts, yet our leaders in Washington continue to allow our troops to be in harm's way. That needs to end now.

Will you take action to withdraw our troops from Iraq?

Your work has already and will continue to reshape the future of our country for the better. I hope I can count on you to continue partnering with Concerned Veterans for America to bring our troops home from Iraq.

For Freedom,

Dan Caldwell
Senior Advisor
Concerned Veterans for America