Reader Comments: Impeachment and Rule of Law; Sanders, Warren and Trolls; Biden and corruption; Chicago Teachers Strike; Turkey, Kurds, Syria; "Glass Floor"; Housing; Puerto Rico; Resource: Stopping Workplace Sexual Harassment; Announcements (lots)


Reader Comments: Impeachment and Rule of Law; Sanders, Warren and Trolls; Biden and corruption; Chicago Teachers Strike; Turkey, Kurds, Syria; "Glass Floor"; Housing; Puerto Rico; Resource: Stopping Workplace Sexual Harassment; Announcements (lots)

Tidbits - Reader Comments, Resources, Announcements AND cartoons - Oct. 17, 2019, xxxxxx


Re: Maxine Waters: Trump should be imprisoned and 'placed in solitary confinement' (Ellen Cantarow)
Re: President Trump Is at War with the Rule of Law. This Won't End Well. (Pat Heywood; Diana Davis; Richard Vizcaino; JD Scot)
Impeachment...Finally  -- Illustration by Joe Darrow
Re: The Real Cover-Up: Putting Donald Trump's Impeachment in Context (Gene Glickman)
Re: Trolls Are Sowing Discord Between Sanders and Warren Supporters (Ben Eli Osterberg; Mike Glick; Jim Maynard; Alan Hart; Jo-Ann Demas; Robert E. Lerner; Paula Muller; Ethan Young; Mike Spengler; Matt Hilgenberg; Larry Smith)
Re: Democrats Must Acknowledge Biden's Family Has Cashed in on His Career (Wendi Galczik; Anthony Rivera; Linda J McPhee; Rafael E. Rosario; Mike Glick)
Re: Elizabeth Warren's Simple Response to a Marriage Equality Question (Carolyn Birden)
YARD SALE! (1600 Pennsylvania Avenue) Everything Must Go!  --  cartoon by Lalo Alcaraz
Re: Not Just Ethnicity: Turkey v. Kurds and the Great Divide over Political Islam v. the Secular Left; Portraits of the Kurdish Struggle (Martin Zehr)
Re: What's at Stake in Chicago Teachers' Strike: Whether Unions Can Bargain for the Entire Working Class (Laura Randall; Todd Warren)
Re: Puerto Rico's Future Clouded Under New Debt Restructuring Plan (Domingo Soto)
Re: California Power Shutoffs:When Your Public Utility Is Owned By Private Investors (Frank Boeheim; Jesse Leamon)
Re: Religious Freedom: Freedom to Discriminate? (Arlene Halfon)
Re: The ‘Glass Floor’ Is Keeping America’s Richest Idiots At The Top (Domingo Soto; Miriam Bensman; Jenny Kastner)
Re: How Housing Wealth Transferred From Families to Corporations (Disraelly Gutierrez Jaime; William Delaney)
Re: State Board Of Education Votes To Restore Local Control Of LRSD, Strips Power Of Teacher's Union (Keith Yanda)
Re: Builders of Israel's Apartheid Walls Profit From US Border Militarization (Gregory Kestel)
Re: The IMF Is Utterly Indifferent to the Pain It's Causing (Pat Gibson; Beth Emma Goldman)
Re: How Amazon's Carnival Row Explores the Fear Around Immigration (David Worthen)


New Report: Stopping Sexual Harassment in the Empire State (The Worker Institute's Equity at Work Initiative)


Union Activists Organizing and Fighting Repression in Asia - webinar - October 21 (Labor Notes)
Music Now! Tribute to Joe Rigby and Juan Quinonez - Brooklyn - October 22
The Criminalization of Migration: A Socialist Perspective - webinar - October 28 (Socialist Education Project of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism)
#TickTockTimesUp: Convergence + Natl March to Remove Trump - Washington, DC - November 2 - 11 -- November 8: March for Removal


Re: Maxine Waters: Trump should be imprisoned and 'placed in solitary confinement'

(posting in xxxxxx Tidbits - Oct. 10)

Maxine Waters called for Trump not merely to be impeached but to be jailed and placed in solitary confinement. I have been saying this for the past year and a half. He has aided and abetted genocide (Yemen, Gaza, now Syria via Turkish invasion and ethnic cleansing of Kurds), aided and abetted ecocatastrophe in pulling out of the Paris climate accords and pushing to give over the Arctic Wildlife Refuge to oil-drilling; and more. Trump kills everything he touches. He should be put in quarantine, separated from the rest of humanity.

Ellen Cantarow
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


Re: President Trump Is at War with the Rule of Law. This Won't End Well.

Now he's kicking Rudi to the curb!

Pat Heywood 
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


Why is it that it is okay for one side and not the other. The dems do not want a constitution. They want the government telling us what we must do. I really don't understand. We have a wonderful life.

Diana Davis
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


not every one has a wonderful life !
Seniors relying on social security, homeless veterans that are agent orange victims, orphans, kids in lunch line at school turned down.

Richard Vizcaino
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


...last time the American people's rights were stomped on, was the Patriot Act by GW Bush! Wasn't he a republican?

JD Scot


Impeachment...Finally  -- Illustration by Joe Darrow


Joe Darrow
Cover illustration New York Magazine
October 11, 2019


Re: The Real Cover-Up: Putting Donald Trump's Impeachment in Context

While I like a lot of his analysis, I disagree with much of his approach, starting in the paragraph where he writes, "As this process unspools, what politicians like to call 'the people's business' will go essentially unattended." Does he not remember that many bills have piled up on Mitch McConnell's desk, having been passed by the House? If it would only choose to, the Senate can act on them while awaiting reception of the Articles of Impeachment. Mr B's article title mentions context; that is the omitted context of "the people's business" question.

Then he goes on to state four possible outcomes: 1: Trump quits, 2. the Senate convicts, 3. the Senate fails to convict, 4. the same as 3 but expressed differently.  Collectively, these only express only the formal possibilities, ignoring one - there is no Senate trial at all. But they all ignore totally the non-formal likelihood: During the impeachment phase, the American People are treated to the spectacle of actual checks and balances at work, something they did not experience either during the Obama years, nor the first two years of the Trump presidency. This outcome is important because it will engage the citizenry.

Thus I disagree with Bacevich. This sort of stimulation, no matter what the formal outcome is, will be  important, both in and of itself and also as a prelude to the 2020 elections. The more the citizens become involved in the impeachment question, the more they become active participants in the political process, rather than mere passive spectators. This is all to the good. Moreover, assuming the Democrats do a decent job of collecting and presenting the evidence they uncover, the more facts the people will be able to reflect upon. It hardly matters whether they, as individuals, start out pro- or anti-Trump[ the discussions are an important part of the overall process.

Ultimately, my criticism of Mr. Bacevich's approach has to do with his pragmatism. He only permits himself to look at practical effects of the impeachment process,  but not at less tangible ones. It is the latter that I think are the really important ones in the long run.

Gene Glickman


Re: Trolls Are Sowing Discord Between Sanders and Warren Supporters

I ❤ this. Sanders and Warren are not clones , but I think they are both honest and are both fighting for a return to New Deal style politics, albeit from different perspectives. That's not enough, in my opinion. But you won't find me trashing either Senator, and I'm not taking the bait from anyone who does. Full disclosure: I am an undecided voter as of today.

Ben Eli Osterberg
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


BEWARE!! And don't fall for it!

Mike Glick
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


Are we allowed to discuss their differences and make the case for why Bernie is a better candidate?

Why the Differences Between Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders Matter

Jim Maynard
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


There are real differences that need to be discussed, and all of them show Bernie as the better candidate. Stop trying to suppress debate, xxxxxx! Stop trying to subordinate the left to tepid liberals like Warren. It's way past time to finally bury the putrid corpse of Browderism.

Alan Hart
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


Bernie or Bust could be a bot contrivance. Still, there is an unsaid "anyone but Bernie" emanating from some Democrats who consider themselves "moderate" and are loathe to be associated with anti-corporate positions. I'm for Bernie but will vote for the DP nominee in the general elections as a tactic vs Trump being re-elected.

Jo-Ann Demas
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


This is awful. No ifs, ands or bots.

Robert E. Lerner


The Russians are licking their chops and are serving up discord and confusion. They are good at it.

Paula Muller
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


When people start crying about censorship just because they aren't agreed with, I can't take it too seriously. Do whatever you want! The point is we will have to consider our options if Bernie loses the primaries. Most of us will continue the fight to defeat Trump. So we're preparing for that possibility. Just as Bernie did in 2016.

Ethan Young
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


I've noticed the same thing... Dem establishment figures bashing Bernie, and folks on self-described "Bernie in 2020" FB pages bashing Warren as some kind of "Hillary 2.0-establishment-wolf-in-progressive-sheep's-clothing"...

I supported Bernie in 2016. Have NOT decided who I am for on the Dem side for 2020 yet. But I have NO tolerance for either Bernie or Warren bashing.

E-f**king-nough... Trump and today's noxious GOP are the primary clear and present danger...

Mike Spengler
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


My friends are being super divisive. Please. I'll vote for who I vote for, but I would be outrageously pleased with ANY of the front runners compared to what's going on in the White House right now. We can't start infighting.

Matt Hilgenberg
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


We don't need or welcome trolls to point out the real differences that exist between Sanders and Warren. Sanders progressive record is much more extensive and consistent. Two examples are support for the bloated defense budget by Warren and her equivocation on Medicare for All. Bernie is the real deal and has been for many years.

Larry Smith
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


Re: Democrats Must Acknowledge Biden's Family Has Cashed in on His Career

This should come as no surprise,, any father in a position to do so would help to implement a desirable situation for a child..The question is whether or not there was undue influence vis a vis his position as Veep, and that again wouldn't be unusual. Legal? Who knows, but it hasn't anything to do with the fact that Trump is well and truly screwed, and not being a big Biden fan anyway, i could almost be happy for his son for being in that situation so that Trump would stupidly go too far.

Wendi Galczik
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


Destroying America for Personal gain....
The Future of present day..

Anthony Rivera
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


Joe Biden has the backing of the DCCC -- it's they who need to come to terms with this. He's as far from my first choice as any of the Dem candidates right now. Having said that, He's still miles ahead of the grifters currently trashing the US government. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat over the Cheato.

Linda J McPhee
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


When the Republicans clean their house and get all of Trump's kids/son in law from the White House and from going to foreign dinners, then they might be in a position to point fingers. People that live in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones.

Rafael E. Rosario
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


Truth, the sad truth - and he's far from the only one. No more "old boy networks."

Mike Glick
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


Re: Elizabeth Warren's Simple Response to a Marriage Equality Question

(Friday Nite Video post)

This reminds me of a popular bumper sticker around at the height of the Roe debates: still the best response I know. AGAINST ABORTION? DON'T HAVE ONE And the play on that thought, with a get-out-the-vote button (I still have it) that read PREVENT UNWANTED PRESIDENCIES

Carolyn Birden


YARD SALE! (1600 Pennsylvania Avenue) Everything Must Go!  --  cartoon by Lalo Alcaraz

Lalo Alcaraz
October 1, 2019
Pocho Ñews y Satire


Re: Not Just Ethnicity: Turkey v. Kurds and the Great Divide over Political Islam v. the Secular Left; Portraits of the Kurdish Struggle

This has needed to be spoken for a long time. I would suggest Bookchin is not the guiding light of Apo or the Kurdish people. Kurds in Iraq and Turkey have been assassinated by Islamist death squads for decades. Turkey is simply the product of a fallen Ottoman Empire parceled out by British and French colonialists.. Even when Turkey was secular it was militarist and at war with Kurds. 30,000 died in Bakur^ Kurdistan^ in the war against the PKK with lots of American aid.

see:  National Conflicts Emerge in Syrian Civil War  

Martin Zehr
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


Re: What's at Stake in Chicago Teachers' Strike: Whether Unions Can Bargain for the Entire Working Class

(posting on xxxxxx Labor)

"By raising an issue that affects not only teachers, but the communities they live and work in, CTU is deploying a strategy known as "bargaining for the common good.""

Laura Randall
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


"It's true that CPS has no legal obligation to bargain with the union over affordable housing policy. But it's hardly unrelated-an estimated 17,000 students in the city are homeless, as CTU Vice President Stacy Davis Gates stated on Chicago Tonight.

Housing advocates agree. 'The mayor's view reflects a very narrow understanding of the professional responsibilities of public school educators,' says Marnie Brady, assistant professor at Marymount Manhattan College and research committee co-chair of the national Homes For All campaign. 'The living conditions of their students are indeed the working conditions of their classrooms.'

By raising an issue that affects not only teachers, but the communities they live and work in, CTU is deploying a strategy known as "bargaining for the common good." That approach was key to the union's victory in its landmark 2012 walkout, but a potential strike of 35,000 school and parks workers this week is shaping up to be an even more dramatic test."

Todd Warren
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


Re: Puerto Rico's Future Clouded Under New Debt Restructuring Plan

It's a very long article. But since I'm living its analysis I read much of it and scanned here and there. And understood a little more of why we're in such a "most likely" illegal debt. To the shame of PROMESA, COFINA, Citi Bank, Santander, Wall Street, and the disgraced Governor Rosselló and his corrupt government and political party. 

I also blame the Federal Govt. for not doing enough to investigate and indict mafia like corrupt government officials, banks and public corporations. Remember North America you owe us more than we owe you. And if you won't help us to get rid of nor take your due responsibility, then let loose your grip on the Puerto Ricans. We are not a people or country up for grabs or on sale, we are North American citizens under siege.

Domingo Soto
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


Re: California Power Shutoffs:When Your Public Utility Is Owned By Private Investors

Time to exercise eminent domain and take over PG&E. The first priority is to repair and upgrade aging and insufficient infrastructure. Then switch to renewables. Split it up into municipal utilities districts with elected boards of directors. The legislature can do this. Public Utilities should be publicly owned! Private investors should not be allowed.

Frank Boeheim
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


The simple solution is to go underground, when you have hundreds of millions of dead trees along open wire power lines it doesn't matter the company its going to be deadly and there isn't enough manpower to keep ahead of the hazard. The infrastructure is 1930's style, it was all in place before our modern climate crisis. This blame game is stupid, put the damn wires in the ground, underground cables. Yeah I know it's costly, so what the hell does anybody think it's costing us now. Read this article, that's how much in blood and treasure. The bark beetle isn't going to stop munching while we all talk about it that's for damned sure, they munch public and private ponderosa pines. They don't share our political concerns.

Jesse Leamon
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


Re: Religious Freedom: Freedom to Discriminate?

(posting on xxxxxx Labor)

While not a Christian (and never having had any "official" religion), I've been told many times that my worldview/ethics/ideals are the same as those of Jesus, so my worldview/ethics/ideals are my religion. My religion centers on peace, love, equality, human rights, civil liberties, plus more. Like the people who don't want to hire others who don't meet their own views, if those bigots win the Supreme Court decision, I can refuse to hire bigots purely because of their bigotry. 

Arlene Halfon


Re: The ‘Glass Floor’ Is Keeping America’s Richest Idiots At The Top

Reading and watching news about the parents who got their kids into universities by ways of "buying their test scores", and after reading your article, I've developed an a weird feeling and suspicion of maltreatment towards me when I was insistent on what I wanted to learn and what I was being taught. It was not at university level, but today I still feel I was cheated and now this article made me think about upward social mobility hardships that poor people struggle against; many not getting anywhere.

Meanwhile, the rich have the resources to "buy" their "dumb" siblings' way up the ladder. Maybe that's the way Trumpenstein made it to the top, and his children guaranteed their "success". Just wondering if that's how a dumb Trumpenstein, made his way up to the presidency.

Domingo Soto
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


Wow damning portrait of the many ways the wealthy rig society to favor their not special kids. And funny, too:

“And who can forget Koch nephew Wyatt and his line of $79 floral button-ups?”

Miriam Bensman
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


When the college admissions scandal was exposed, I texted my grandson to congratulate him for earning his scholarship on his own, unlike those who bought their way in. He said you could always tell who those kids were; rich, and unable to keep up in class.

Jenny Kastner
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


Re: How Housing Wealth Transferred From Families to Corporations

But more than 12 million single-family homes are currently being rented in the United States. Those homes, valued at more than $2.3 trillion, make up 35 percent of all rental housing around the country. In the past, the great majority of single-family homes that were rented out were done so by their owners or small real-estate companies. But today, a large and growing share of single-family rental homes are owned and managed by large corporations, real-estate firms, and financial institutions. The percentage of home owners is at its lowest level since the 1960s.

More than $220 billion in housing wealth has been transferred from Americans who once owned, or would have owned, homes to large corporations.

Those are the big takeaways of a recent study by Andrea Eisfeldt of UCLA's Anderson School of Management and industry expert Andrew Demers, published as a working paper by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).

This is yet another of the economy-shifting consequences of the financial crisis of 2008. The crisis took a huge bite out of housing prices, and rising unemployment put large numbers of homeowners underwater in their mortgages. A good many fell victim to foreclosures, and plummeting housing values meant that they often had to sell their homes for a fraction of their value...

Disraelly Gutierrez Jaime
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


This began with the overturn of Glass-Steagall by Bill Clinton. What was created by New Deal legislation to uplift our country after the depression became investments under Clinton.

Investors packaged bad loans and sold them to foreign investors as derivatives

William Delaney
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


Re: State Board Of Education Votes To Restore Local Control Of LRSD, Strips Power Of Teacher's Union

(posting on xxxxxx Labor)

Walker's evil example in Wisconsin is spreading to the detriment of all US children. Thank God we had a competent Secretary of Education who is now governor.

Keith Yanda
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


Re: Builders of Israel's Apartheid Walls Profit From US Border Militarization

Gregory Kestel
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


Re: The IMF Is Utterly Indifferent to the Pain It's Causing

why is the world being run by greedy unethical criminals?

Pat Gibson
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


"Any attempt to break the orthodoxy of the IMF is met with a ferocious array of sanctions, including a nod from the IMF toward international creditors not to lend to the country that they determine is a scofflaw. Funds will only flow to distressed countries if they accept the full policy slate developed for them not by their lawmakers, but by the IMF economists in Washington, D.C."

Beth Emma Goldman
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


Re: How Amazon's Carnival Row Explores the Fear Around Immigration

(posting on xxxxxx Culture)

Great series, can't wait for the next season

David Worthen
Posted on xxxxxx's Facebook page


New Report: Stopping Sexual Harassment in the Empire State

The Worker Institute's Equity at Work Initiative Releases New Report on Stopping Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Today, the Worker Institute released a new report on stopping sexual harassment in New York State. The report maps current patterns of workplace sexual harassment and their impact in New York State using data from the 2018 Empire State Poll, a statewide survey of New Yorkers conducted by the Cornell Survey Research Institute.

The report finds that 10.9 percent of New York residents—12.2 percent of women and 9.5 percent of men—report having experienced quid pro quo workplace sexual harassment at some point in their careers, which translates to more than 1.7 million people across the state. The release comes soon after New York State’s deadline for employers to train employees on preventing sexual harassment.

“We’re at a potential tipping point with renewed commitment to stronger accountability in the world of work, using law, policy, collective bargaining, creative organizing and community-based responses,” said KC Wagner of the Worker Institute. “But to make real change, workplace sexual harassment can’t be treated as a narrow issue separated from other forms of discrimination and inequity—we need to work across silos and have survivors at the center of innovating responses that advance culture change in the workplace and our communities.”

The report also finds that quid pro quo sexual harassment disproportionately affects people of color and those of Hispanic origin: 13.9 percent of people of color and those of Hispanic origin in New York state said they had experienced quid pro quo workplace sexual harassment, compared to 8.5 percent of non-Hispanic whites.

In addition to sharing the survey findings, the report provides a broader frame for understanding how efforts to confront sexual and gender-based harassment and assault have evolved over time, and charts possible directions for future organizing, policy, and research in New York and beyond. It highlights the experiences of diverse survivors and their efforts to effect change in specific industries; black women’s leadership in propelling shifts in law and culture; and culture change work engaging men and women as allies. 

Download the full report here

Read the press release here.

Please email [email protected] if you are interested in connecting around research on workplace sexual harassment and strategies for responding.

The Worker Institute at Cornell - ILR School
570 Lexington Avenue
12th Floor
New York, NY 10022


Union Activists Organizing and Fighting Repression in Asia - webinar - October 21

White Terror in Hong Kong; Union Leaders Fired and Beaten and... Fighting Back

October 21, 2019
8:00 p.m. EST


Within the massive and stunningly persistent social insurgency in Hong Kong against authoritarian domination, thousands of unionized workers are risking white terror... the threat of constant surveillance, discipline and loss of livelihood. Teachers, social workers, civil servants, and - most visibly - airline staff have joined protests and publicly shown support for the goals of political liberties. The response of the Chinese government - carried out by local agents in government, business, and organized crime gangs - has been direct suppression.

This webinar will be held on October 21 at 8:00 p.m. EST. It is free to join, but you must register ahead of time. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER


  • Rebecca Sy, a flight attendant with 17 years seniority at Cathy Pacific Dragon Airlines, and President of the Airline Flight Attendants Association, was sacked after the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) targeted Cathay Pacific staff for openly supporting illegal protests. A total of more than 30 other airline workers have been fired in this repressive sweep.
  • Stanley Ho, a leader of the historic Hong Kong Dockworkers strike in 2013 and organizer with the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions, who was savagely beaten by masked thugs two weeks ago while campaigning for a legislative seat in a district dominated by organized crime gangs. 
  • Sara Nelson, President of the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA/CWA), and outspoken labor militant who's taken aggressive positions on immigrant rights, sexual harassment, and government bullying. The AFA, which also represents the US-based flight attendants of Cathay Pacific, has offered international support to the fired workers in Hong Kong.

Labor Notes
7435 Michigan Ave.
Detroit, MI 48210


Music Now! Tribute to Joe Rigby and Juan Quinonez - Brooklyn - October 22

Tuesday, October 22, 2019 at 6 PM – 10 PM

The Brooklyn Commons 
388 Atlantic Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11217

Sisters and brothers, come and join us for an informal tribute to two great musicians: Joe Rigby and Juan Quinonez.

It's a musical thanks to those who created and left some great music, may they be at sonic peace.

The music makers and word makers include:

Ted Daniel
Basir Mchawi
Larry Roland
Charles Downs
Matt Lavelle
Jose Luis Abreau
Tor Yochai Snyder
Ras Moshe Burnett
JD Parran/Dave Ross Duo
Rocco John Iacovone
Denton Darien
and more..

Music Now


The Criminalization of Migration: A Socialist Perspective - webinar - October 28

The Criminalization of Migration: A Socialist Perspective  --  Join us for this important discussion!

October 28, 2019
9pm ET, 6pm PT

The treatment of migrants and refugees and the U.S. government's policy of going well beyond the law to detain them, rip them from their families and community and hold them in deplorable conditions, make the questions of borders and migration especially urgent today, not just in the U.S. but around the world. Hard borders are essential for capitalism and oligarchy, but socialists have different perspectives, leading to both more compassionate and effective policy.

The Socialist Education Project of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism presents a teleconference featuring presentations by Journalist David Bacon and CCDS Co-Chair Rafael Pizarro. They'll discuss the driving forces behind migration and the meaning and development of hard borders and there will be a group discussion afterward.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 312 165 218

One tap mobile
+19294362866,,312165218# US (New York)
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Dial by your location
        +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 312 165 218
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Socialist Education Project of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism


#TickTockTimesUp: Convergence + Natl March to Remove Trump - Washington, DC - November 2 - 11 -- November 8: March for Removal

  • Trump must go.
  • Join us: We are rising up to call for Trump's removal from office.
  • Trump's crimes against our Constitution, our democracy, our humanity, and our future make him utterly unfit to serve as president.
  • Impeachment is just the first step.
  • Trump must be removed from office.

And we the people need to lead the way in calling for his removal.

This is a people's uprising and mass collaboration. No one owns this, no one person or group is calling the shots. We are inviting all who share our aim to join in shaping and building this effort.


Raise the call for Trump's removal in your communities, both online and offline. Spread the message through memes, videos, stickers, wheatpasting, banner drops, and other creative means. Share this invitation on social media. 


Make a plan to get to D.C. Join us for a day or the whole week. Bring your people, your resources to share, your willingness to work, learn, and grow. Most of all, bring your conviction that Trump must be removed and we the people must rise up to make it happen.


Show up in D.C. however you can from November 2-11. Bring your signs and banners, your puppets, your whistles and art-making supplies, your marching bands! Anyone who shares our aims is invited to host a workshop to share their skills and knowledge or to organize an action to highlight reasons for Trump's removal. 

  • Daily presence at the White House
  • Ongoing and pop-up actions
  • Trainings, workshops, assemblies

Bring your signs and banners, your puppets, bring your marching bands! Bring your people, your resources to share, your willingness to work, learn, grow, and most of all your conviction that Trump must be removed and we the people must rise up to make it happen.

Join us to march for Trump's removal on Friday, November 8, the anniversary of the election that put him in the White House.

This will be the largest action of the week - if you can join us for just one day, come and march with us! Bring signs, whistles, banners, musical instruments, and most of all, bring your people!

Many more details to come and additional actions to be announced - sign up for regular updates and follow us on social media.

Converge at the White House: November 2-11

We will converge at the White House from November 2-11 to demand Trump's immediate removal from office and to stand up for our democracy, our humanity, and our future.

On Friday, November 8, the anniversary of the election that put Trump in the White House, we will hold a mass March for Removal.

This is a people's uprising and mass collaboration. No one owns this, no one person or group is calling the shots. Organize your people, gather the resources you need, and show up however you can. Bring your signs and banners, your puppets, your whistles and art-making supplies, your marching bands! 

Our problems did not begin with Trump, and they will not end with his departure from the White House. So even as we gather to call for Trump's immediate removal, with a daily presence at the White House and pop-up actions all week long, we will work to strengthen our long-term capacity to protect what we love, defend our communities in D.C. and at home, and push for real democracy and justice. 

During this November 2-11 convergence, we will both take action together and share skills and learn from one another. Anyone who shares our aims is invited to host a workshop to share their knowledge or to organize an action to highlight reasons for Trump's removal. Actions could include anything from blowing the whistle, flash mobs or street theater to civil disobedience or direct action 

We can practice self-organizing and direct democracy. We can share knowledge about how to organize effectively and build grassroots power. We can learn to be street medics, legal observers, facilitators, election monitors. We can create street art and music together. We can build and extend the relationships and structures we will need for solidarity response, to protect our communities, our democracy, and our future in the face of crises or disasters to come.

Now is the time to organize, mobilize, and escalate. We cannot count on the institutions that got us into this crisis to save us. History has shown us that when people rise up in our power and take to the streets we can shift the course of history. If you are a lover of justice or a freedom fighter for Indigenous sovereignty, Black lives, or the rights of immigrants, now is the time. If you are fighting to defend democracy, now is the time. If you are working to end detention camps or are rising up for reproductive justice, now is the time. If you are a gay, lesbian, bi, or trans person, now is the time. If you are throwing down to end this climate emergency, now is the time. If you are fighting to protect the integrity of the water, the air, and the land, the protectors are needed. Whether you are motivated by your identity, your faith, your values, or the threats to your community, you are needed. 

This is an invitation to join us in D.C. - but you need no invitation to start taking action for removal now. Raise the call for Trump's removal online and offline in every way imaginable. Yes, call your Representative and your Senators, but also take visible action: Create memes and videos to share online, and tag them #TickTockTimesUp. Share this call to action. Make stickers, posters, or buttons, and get them everywhere in our community. Organize banner drops or flash mobs for removal. Gather friends and hold signs for an hour or more in a visible spot in your community. Pull together a crew to go blow whistles outside your local GOP office or politician, to call  attention to how they have aided and abetted Trump's crimes. Organize bold civil disobedience and direct actions. Share images of your actions online with the #TickTockTimesUp hashtag.

This convergence was initiated by a loose and diverse network of grassroots organizers from many movements. We will be sharing much more information about ways to get involved and about logistics and details for the November 2-11 convergence and the November 8 March for Removal. Join our mailing for the most complete updates and follow us on social media!

Who Are We?

We are a loose and diverse network of grassroots organizers from many movements who have come together to launch this effort. We're organizing this in a collaborative way - we invite those who want to support this initiative to join it by building it. Contact us [email protected]  or join our mailing list to learn more!

Facebook event:
Hashtag #TickTockTimesUp



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