The deadline to apply to Arena Academy Online is this Sunday, August 15 at 11:59 ET. Apply or spread the word.

Arena Community,


If we’re going to save our democracy and bring about the change our country needs, Democrats have to win. But even the strongest candidates can’t win on their own.


They need top-notch staffers behind the scenes who reflect the diversity of their communities and have the talent and experience required to get them into office.


That’s where Arena comes in. Apply to Arena Academy before the deadline, tomorrow, Sunday, August 15, and learn how to build winning Democratic campaigns.


Politics isn’t a “members-only” club anymore. The next generation of political activists look, act, and think differently than their predecessors. 


Candidates aren’t the only ones who should reflect the people they serve; their staff should as well. Arena is determined to make this necessity a reality. 


After Academy, we place our grads on campaigns in communities they understand and believe in. We champion bold, progressive candidates and their staff members who look more like America. 


Real change doesn’t happen overnight or in the few months leading up to an election. To win in 2022, we need to start now. 


If you’re ready to take your skills to a new level and get in this fight, apply to the Online September Arena Academy before the deadline, tomorrow, Sunday, August 15.


If Arena Academy is not for you, help us recruit the best and the brightest. Spread the word on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook


With gratitude,

Lauren Baer's Signature

Lauren Baer

Arena Managing Partner

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