Louisiana Budget Project: "A Medicaid 'freeze' would reverse expansion gains"


This is urgent, friends : My opponent, Eddie Rispone, has promised to "freeze" Medicaid enrollment if he wins our runoff election on Nov. 16. Make no mistake: Experts agree this "freeze" would be a de facto repeal. Eddie Rispone wants to end Medicaid expansion - he's just unwilling to admit it in those terms. 

This is yet another example of how disastrous Rispone would be for Louisiana. A similar freeze in Arizona resulted in a 70% drop in enrollment, and a planned freeze in Ohio would have caused 500,000 people to lose health coverage had it not been abandoned.

Since we passed Medicaid expansion in 2016, over 450,000 hardworking Louisianans have gained health coverage, and we've cut the number of uninsured Louisianans in half  all while saving $317 million in taxpayer dollars. It's one of my proudest accomplishments as your governor.

But now all this progress, not to mention people's lifesaving health care coverage, is under attack. We must join together to defend our state's progress, and that means I need you to stand with me right now.

Before midnight, I need to show that 1,000 top supporters are with me on protecting Medicaid expansion. Let me know where you stand before it's too late: 

Do you support repealing Medicaid expansion?