
The New Mexico Game Commission just delivered a huge victory in the fight to ensure public access to our waterways!

Did you know that your access to our rivers and streams is such a part of our birthright and our heritage that it’s in our state constitution? It’s absolutely true.

That’s why I wrote to the New Mexico Game Commission a few months back urging them to reject applications from five landowners who want to restrict your access to the streams, rivers, and watercourses that run through their properties. It’s just plain wrong that any wealthy landowner or political donor would try to keep these waterways to themselves instead of recognizing that they belong to all New Mexicans.

Yesterday, the commission made it clear:

They denied all five landowner applications.

This is a huge victory, folks. Waterway restrictions block folks who simply want to enjoy the waters that are theirs, whether through fishing, boating, hunting, or just wading through.

But we have more obstacles to overcome in this fight. There’s a battle right now in state and federal courts to affirm, once and for all, that New Mexico’s waterways aren’t for the taking. In the end, it’s clear: We must end efforts by wealthy landowners to block your access to your streams and waterways. Rest assured, I am and will keep fighting.

If you’re as committed as I am to keeping our waterways accessible to all, add your name next to mine to show your support:


Thanks for speaking out.




Paid for by Martin Heinrich for Senate

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