CLCV Member,

Another two Chevron oil spills just ruptured in Kern County in Southern California, releasing over 10,000 gallons across a region of land equivalent to two football fields -- and it’s terrifying!

This is our last chance. If we don’t rapidly phase off of fossil fuels and crude oil, it’s game over for our land, water, food and our planet.

Donate now to help CLCV fight back against the influence of Big Oil. This is too big a fight, and we need all our members involved. Even $10 will help make a difference. » 

These disastrous events are happening only a few days after the Trump administration announced opening nearly 1 million acres of California’s public lands to new oil drilling and fracking leases, further jeopardizing the health of California residents and worsening the climate crisis.

This dangerous move ends a 5-year drilling moratorium in our state and is yet another one of Trump’s attacks on our environment -- and he’s been very clear this is an all-out attack on California!

Now more than ever, we need help from supporters, like you, to fight back against this decision and ensure we protect California’s beautiful public lands and outdoor spaces.

We know how dangerous oil and gas extraction is, so how many times does this have to happen before we learn our lesson? Instead of more oil and gas plants, we need to clean up our land and invest in clean energy.

Don’t sit out on the sidelines. Contribute now to help CLCV fight back against Big Oil and stop these disastrous oil spills from hurting California’s families.

The clock is ticking. With less than 11 years to act before our climate crisis worsens beyond repair, California has been taking major steps to address our crisis, phase off fossil fuels, and build a clean energy future. But we need more. With Trump’s constant attacks on our environment, no action could be too bold now. 

We must raise our voices loudly and fight back against any new fossil fuel leasing and extraction on our beautiful California public lands.

No oil drilling. No fracking. No new leases.

Donate now and help power our movement to fight off Trump’s and Big Oil’s reckless actions and protect our future »

Thank you for taking urgent action today,

Devin Murphy
Digital Communications and Technology Manager
California League of Conservation Voters 



We believe that radical change is necessary and only by transforming our political system will we create the opportunity to take bold action on climate change. We elect and cultivate environmental champions, turn election victories into policy wins, hold our lawmakers accountable, and build political power for change. We inspire hope and action and fight for equity and justice for all Californians. We are in the business of changing what’s possible. You can unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.