Sign the Petition 📝 Protect Children Not Porn

Join with NCOSE and other advocates calling for all sites hosting porn to require that users be age verified before they can access content.

Research shows that when children are exposed to porn it undermines their social, emotional, and cognitive development. Repeat exposure can both rewire the brain and shape their sexual templates in ways that could negatively affect them for years to come.

We can't let Big Tech and Big Porn keep getting away with this!

101 Members of Congress Call on DOJ to Investigate OnlyFans

OnlyFans was named to the 2021 Dirty Dozen List for preying on vulnerable people and profiting from their abuse and exploitation.

A bipartisan coalition of 101 members of Congress sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Justice calling for an investigation into OnlyFans for potential criminality as a marketplace for child sexual abuse material.

New Podcast Episode 🎧 Cultural Vulnerabilities and Prevention in Liberia

Haley McNamara is joined by Alvin Amadu and they discuss cultural and economic contexts in Liberia that increase children’s vulnerability to sexual abuse—including child marriage.

Alvin shares key principles of prevention to apply worldwide in order to better safeguard children. 

The Sexual Entitlement Mindset Harming Society

The long-standing and destructive notions engrained in society—fueled by entitlement and objectification—teach that women’s bodies exist for the distraction, pleasure, and recreation of men.

What can happen when a misplaced sense of entitlement grows and is fueled by ignorance and miseducation?

Simply put, injustice.

As long as pornography remains a teacher, abuse and exploitation will continue to thrive.

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