Chris Coons
To take back a majority in the Senate, Democrats must hold on to every vulnerable incumbent up for re-election, John. That's why we need to help Doug Jones in Alabama.

In the Senate, Doug has fought alongside Chris Coons for equal rights, economic opportunity, and access to affordable healthcare. Last week, Doug's record of fighting for what's right led Roy Moore, a right-wing extremist, to launch a campaign to unseat him. We can't let that happen.

To take back the Senate, we need your help to make sure Doug Jones is re-elected. Will you chip in $3 or more to make sure he has the resources he needs to defeat Roy Moore again in 2020? Contribute today →

Thank you,

Team Coons

--------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chris Coons
Date: Tue, Jun 25, 2019
Subject: We need more Senators like Doug Jones

Chris CoonsJoin us.

Dear friend,

A Democrat hadn't won a Senate seat in Alabama since 1992 until my friend Doug Jones came along.

As a prosecutor, Doug took on the Ku Klux Klan members behind the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, attaining justice for the congregation and community. And as my colleague in the Senate, Doug has been a voice of reason, standing up for affordable healthcare, decent wages, and true equality for all.

But since his win in 2017, Republicans have had their sights set on Doug's seat, and on Thursday, Republican extremist Roy Moore announced that he will seek a rematch against Doug Jones in 2020.

Doug knows what it takes to win a close race, but he needs our help. Rush a donation of $5 or more right now to help Doug Jones beat Roy Moore.

Like me, Doug believes we have more ideals that unite us than differences that divide us. Doug and I have worked together to find common ground on the issues that affect everyday Americans, from the alarming loss of our manufacturing sector to the soaring cost of prescription drugs.

Roy Moore, on the other hand, has been a voice of division and extremism. He believes Muslims should not be allowed to serve in Congress, is vehemently against marriage equality, and claimed that President Obama wasn't born in this country.

We need to keep Doug's voice in the Senate, so it's going to take all of our grassroots supporters to step up and chip in $5 or more.

Thank you,

Chris Coons

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