Hawaii Republican Party
Statewide Community Service Project - Community Service Committee
Blood Bank of Hawaii experiencing shortage,
seeking donors of all blood types
There are many issues that confront the conservative values of the people of Hawaii that require us to address them through political action. However, there is still need for us to support the efforts of those non-political issues and organizations who provide a service to those in need of humanitarian assistance, regardless of political affiliation. The Blood Bank of Hawaii is one of those organizations that is in dire need of our assistance and our 39,000 members can be a huge help.
The Blood Bank of Hawaii is experiencing a critical shortage and seeking donors of all blood types and has less than a 1 day supply. We will be conducting a Statewide community service project in support of the Blood Bank of Hawaii and asking all of our members who can donate blood to please do so. B-positive, O-positive and O-negative are in most critical need.
Even though you have been vaccinated you can still donate blood after a wait period from your last shot. You will first need to call the Blood Bank to make an appointment before you go and can contact the Blood Bank at bbh.org or call (808) 848-4770.
The Community Service committee will also provide you with a button that identifies that you are with the Republican Party an affiliate of the Blood Bank of Hawaii. We hope to receive those between August 18-20. We recently became an affiliate of their donor program. They will keep track of how many of our members participated. This is a great opportunity to help others in need.
When you donate, please let them know our group code so that they can keep track of our member donations.
In addition, the Blood Bank of Hawaii will make a matching donation for the month of August only for sports equipment to the Hawaii Special Olympics. This is the time to donate. They are in urgent need of donors. Donate today.
We have provided a schedule of events (below) in your area and also locations where they are opened on a daily basis. You may also visit their Blood Mobile but appointments are required.
Mahalo for your support,
Jeffrey Coakley, Vice Chair
Community Services
Hawaii Republican Party
“…when you are in service of your fellow beings, you are only in service of your God.”
The Blood Bank is in immediate need so if you can donate TODAY, please make an appointment now.
Remember to give them our group code when donating.
Additional dates/times for 3rd and 4th quarters of 2021 throughout the state.
SEE BBH.ORG for full calendar, dates, times, and locations.
One other way you can help even if you can't donate blood is to donate HawaiianMiles to the Blood Bank of Hawaii. See how donating miles can help the blood bank by flying volunteers and staff on miles to the outer island blood mobile drives.
Do you have an event or activity that would benefit the community? Please let us know and we'll add it to our calendar.