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Why you should get vaccinated

We are urging all Oldham residents to get vaccinated against Coronavirus. Vaccination is the best way to stop the spread of the virus and reduce your chance of becoming seriously ill, hospitalised or even dying from Covid.

The vaccine is safe and, as with every other vaccine, it has passed all stages of research and clinical trials before being authorised for use

All adults in Oldham can now get vaccinated and we have a range of walk-in clinics that do not require an appointment and have parking on site:
  • The Millennium Centre, Featherstall Road North, Oldham OL9 6QB - Every Wednesday, 12noon to 7pm
  • The European Islamic Centre, 79 Manchester Road, Oldham OL8 4LN - Every Sunday, 12noon to 7pm
  • Dinwoodie Centre, Royal Oldham Hospital, Rochdale Road, Oldham, OL1 2JH - Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday - 8:30am to 5:30pm and Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday - 8:30am to 7:30pm.
View our full list of vaccination walk-in clinics, including some local pharmacy drop-ins, on our Coronavirus Vaccination Page

'Unprecedented' numbers at Oldham's A&E  

The number of people attending the Royal Oldham Hospital's emergency department is soaring, and residents are being urged by the NHS to only attend A&E if it's a genuine emergency.

As demand for services increases, frontline staff are also in short supply, prompting a public appeal by senior doctors from the Northern Care Alliance NHS Group (NCA) to ease congestion.

Chief Medical Officer, Dr Chris Brookes, has asked the public to choose the right service for their condition to enable patients with the most serious conditions to access the care they need. 

Sometimes you know something doesn’t feel right but you also know it’s not an emergency. If you can’t get to your GP or local pharmacy for advice, call the #NHS 111 line or go online to 

Read more about the
"unprecedented demand" on emergency services


Changes to self-isolation guidance

The guidance on self-isolation for close contacts will change from Monday, 16 August, and residents will no longer have to self-isolate after close contact with someone who has Covid, if:

  • They have completed both doses of the vaccine 14 days before your contact took place or;
  • They have taken part in a vaccine trial or;
  • They can provide evidence on why you can’t be vaccinated for medical reasons or;
  • They are under the age of 18.

Anyone currently self-isolating who meets one of the above exemption criteria, will no longer have to do so. That is unless you are experiencing symptoms, whereby you must continue to complete your self-isolation period.
All close contacts are still advised to take a PCR test however, and must self-isolate if testing positive or display Coronavirus symptoms.

For more information on where you can get tested, please visit


Places for Everyone - it's time to have your say

A public consultation on the Places for Everyone Joint Development Plan Document – Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Tameside, Trafford and Wigan - is now open.

Places for Everyone is the long-term plan of nine Greater Manchester districts for jobs, new homes and sustainable growth.

It sets out how the much-needed quality, affordable homes Oldham needs, could be delivered, and how new jobs and vibrant neighbourhoods could be created while protecting our green belt by putting brownfield first. Find out more about Oldham’s involvement in the plan

The consultation closes on 3 October 2021. To take part, visit 


Illegal fireworks - here's what to do

We are still getting reports about fireworks being set off past 11pm and the police are aware of the issue.

Using fireworks between 11pm and 7am at night can carry a fine of up to £5,000 or 6 months in prison. It can also incur a £90 on-the-spot fine. The only exclusions to these times are Bonfire Night, when the cut off is midnight, and New Year’s Eve, Diwali and Chinese New Year, when the cut off is 1am.

Any incidents of illegal fireworks use should be reported directly to the police on 101.
For more information, read the Government’s guidance on fireworks laws

Summer activities - places still available

There is still time to register for a free place at one of various summer activities as part of the Holiday Activities and Food Programme.

The programme is open to children ages 5 to 16, and places are free to anyone who receives benefit-related free school meals. There are also a number of places for people to pay to attend the course. All activity schemes include meals.
To book and for more information, visit the holiday activities webpage


For more information and advice about council services, visit


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