The Fate of California Health Rights lies in the
Recall of CA Governor Gavin Newsom!
With just over a month to go to the Recall Election, A Voice for Choice Advocacy asks you to TAKE ACTION today, this weekend and over the next four weeks to help Recall Governor Newsom, so we may return Health Rights and Vaccine Choice to California.
Your votes, as well as your time are critical. By the end of this weekend, be sure you have:
1) Registered to Vote (if you are eligible)
2) Understand the Recall ballot questions and why a Yes vote is critical for California
3) Identify what you can do over the next 4 weeks to ensure a Yes on the Recall win!
More details below and on the California Families for Health Rights website (http://cafamiliesforhealthrights.org/RecallNewsom)
As non-profit, A Voice for Choice Advocacy cannot endorse a candidate or tell you who to vote for, but we can tell you how Yes on the Recall will further California Health Rights and Vaccine Choice.
1) Register to Vote:
To vote in the California Gubernatorial Recall Election, you must be registered, and the deadline to register to vote on September 14, 2021 is August 30, 2021!
Check if you are registered to vote: CA Voter Status website (https://voterstatus.sos.ca.gov/)
Apply to vote if you are not registered: Online application (https://registertovote.ca.gov/)
Early voting in person will be available at your local polling center starting September 4-14, 2021. Find your local polling place (https://www.vote.org/polling-place-locator/).
2) Understand the Ballot Questions:
Ballots will be mailed to every registered California voter. There will be two questions on the ballot:
1) Shall GAVIN NEWSOM be recalled (removed) from the office of Governor? (Yes/No)
2) Candidates to succeed GAVIN NEWSOM as Governor if he is recalled: (Choose one of the long list of candidates)
Please note: To RECALL the governor you only need to vote YES on question 1. If you do have a candidate you support, certainly choose them in question 2. It is important that everyone knows that YES on recall in question 1 is all that is needed.
If more than 50% of voters answer “yes” to the first question, Governor Newsom will be recalled, and the candidate who receives the most votes from the second question will replace him. It is not required that one of the successor candidates receive more than 50% of the vote to win.
Regardless of your political affiliation, you should be concerned for the future of California if Governor Newsom is not recalled. Our legislature, both Assembly and Senate have a super Democrat majority and our Governor is also Democrat, which means there are no checks and balances. Anything the Democrats want to do they will get done. Furthermore, Governor Newsom has declared a State of Emergency since March 2020 and thereby legally has the power to order anything he wants, which he has. If Governor Newsom is not recalled, you will be guaranteed more vaccine mandates, more lockdowns, and more restrictions on businesses. There are strong replacement candidates, who have spoken out against mandated vaccines and who have said they would stop the state of emergency immediately. The change will come regardless of who is elected, but that can only happen if Governor Newsom is recalled.
3) Get involved:
The key organization activating the Yes on the Recall vote is Rescue California (https://rescuecalifornia.org/).
There are many ways to take action, such as:
- Put out a yard sign (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1VaT7CbMVXSdqgAvN5GO0Q79ENwyGMIrCILg0nv9njRs/edit)
- Post on social media
- Talk to friends and neighbors about why you support the recall
- Donate to Rescue California for their media campaigns
- Volunteer to make calls, walk door to door, and more (https://rescuecalifornia.org/volunteer/)
The most important thing is to make your voice and vote heard!
Get involved and make a change in California.
For future information sign up with California Families for Health Rights (http://cafamiliesforhealthrights.org/)

Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
