and they're easier to build than a lego set

Ghost guns are one of the fastest growing threats to our communities, John. They are designed to avoid all gun laws, including background checks. They are nearly impossible for law enforcement to trace. And they are as easy to build at home as a lego set.

These untraceable, homemade firearms are showing up at crime scenes across the country. Here are just a few stark examples:

* In 2017, a man prohibited from having a gun and under prosecution for multiple crimes used a ghost gun to kill six people and injure 10 others.

* In August 2019, a gunman fired 41 shots in 32 seconds in a bar in Dayton, Ohio, shooting 26 people and killing nine with a .223-caliber firearm that he built at home.

* In 2019, a 16-year-old too young to legally buy a gun used a ghost gun to kill two students and wound three others at a Saugus High School in California.

* In April of this year, officials found half dozen illegal ghost guns, 80 percent receiver kits, and Nazi paraphernalia in a Pennsylvania home.

These firearms make it easy to avoid existing gun laws, which is what makes them so attractive to people intent on causing harm. They have no place in our communities.

Donate now to help keep ghost guns off our streets.

We successfully passed legislation in Washington prohibiting ghost guns in 2019. Now, we are doing everything we can to regulate them at the federal level. But we are up against fierce opposition. The gun lobby has made it their mission to stop any and every attempt to keep these homemade firearms out of dangerous hands.

We know we can take on the gun lobby and win again, just like we did in 2019. But we can’t counter their deep pockets alone. We need your help. Please, contribute today to keep deadly ghost guns out of our communities.

Thank you,
Renée (she/her)


P.O. Box 4187
Seattle, WA 98194

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