We have great news.
The Senate passed a $3.5 trillion budget resolution on Wednesday, and it paves the way for funding critical Medicare improvements and expansion.
This was a hard-fought victory, but our work is not over. Here’s what comes next:
In the coming weeks, the House of Representatives will also vote on a budget resolution. Then, the reconciliation process moves onto Senate and House Committees, which will write draft language to achieve the targets and spending laid out in the budget resolution.
So it’s our job to ensure that these critical measures – lowering eligibility to 60; expanding care to include dental, vision, and hearing and an out-of-pocket cap; and allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices – make it into the final reconciliation package and bring real change for millions of people.
The Covid-19 pandemic has shown just how important it is to immediately address the failures of our health system. While these measures are no replacement for Medicare for All, they are a huge step toward guaranteed health care for all and will provide immediate, life-changing care to many who desperately need it, potentially saving tens of thousands of lives each year.
Medicare expansion will impact millions of lives for the better — which is why we can’t slow down. Through these measures, Congress can:
It’s thanks to of all of you who’ve made calls, signed petitions, and contacted your members of congress that we’ve paved the way for these critical improvements to be made – we’re so appreciative. Now we must keep up the pressure to cross the finish line and ensure that these measures are included in the final reconciliation package.
With hope,
Nurses’ Campaign to Win Medicare for All