RSVP for Our Next Virtual Event!

We're excited to invite you to the final virtual event of our Summer Series, a presentation by Nathalie Simoneau of World Wildlife Fund. During Nathalie’s talk, she will discuss her role integrating population, health, and environment (PHE) policies into WWF’s global conservation programs.
Nathalie joined WWF in 2010 as part of the People and Conservation team working on PHE initiatives. She is also part of the Core Team responsible for WWF Network’s Environmental and Social Safeguards Framework (ESSF) roll-out. She provides guidance for the adoption of conservation practices that help improve access to local health services while also helping communities manage their natural resources in ways that improve their health and livelihoods. She has a background in public health nutrition and food security, and holds a Master's Degree from McGill University’s Centre for Indigenous Peoples Nutrition and Environment.
Find Your Next Book on PopEd's Summer Reading List!
Summer is upon us—time to take a break at the pool, beach, or on the couch, and dive into Population Education’s summer must-reads! The list covers nearly all literary bases, with a mix of creative nonfiction, supernatural thrillers, and more.
See what books the staff is reading and talking about, and add a few titles to your summer reading list!
U.S. House Passes Historic Spending and Appropriations Bill
Last month, the U.S. House passed the FY 2022 State Department and Foreign Operations Appropriations bill. The bill is an enormous step forward in expanding access to comprehensive reproductive health and family planning, as well as efforts to slow global population growth. The bill includes a provision taken from the Global Health, Empowerment and Rights (HER) Act that will prevent a future president from unilaterally reinstating the Global Gag Rule—something we've been fighting for for decades.
Check out our guide to what this bill means for international family planning funding on our Facebook page at the link below.
In Case You Missed It... 
If you haven’t checked our website lately, you may have missed some new blog posts by Population Connection staff! Here is a sampling of recent posts: