We need all hands on deck.

Tim Alexander For Congress


We know it seems like we have plenty of time before the election, but we want to explain why working ahead is crucial for our people-powered movement.

  1. Let’s start with the obvious: We’re up against Jeff Van Drew – a politician who built a $1 million war chest after pledging his undying loyalty to Donald Trump.

  2. Democrats have a razor-thin House majority. Taking back NJ-02 is key to holding our House majority next year.

  3. The stakes for this election couldn’t be higher: Healthcare, taking action on climate change, and the future of our democracy are all on the line.

Your support is the reason why our movement has grown to where it is today, and we couldn’t be more grateful. But we can’t slow down now. Our average contribution is just $24.12, fueled by grassroots supporters like you. Can we count on your donation to help Tim Alexander defeat Jeff Van Drew next year? >>>

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Our team has been working nonstop to send Tim to Congress. But the only way we can defeat Jeff Van Drew and ensure Democrats hold the House next year is with YOUR help, John.

It’s grassroots supporters like you who will put us over the top. Can we count on your $24.12 contribution to make an impact? >>>

Thanks for your support,

Team Alexander

Donate Now


Tim Alexander is a former detective and civil rights attorney, running to defeat Trump loyalist Jeff Van Drew in New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District.
Can you rush a $5 donation to help fuel our grassroots movement and flip this seat blue? >>>


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