
Conservative megadonors are trying to buy a 2020 victory.

A new report shows that all of the worst billionaires are pooling their money to finance the campaigns of Mitch McConnell and other corrupt Senate Republicans in 2020! 

Fight back: Donate $19 right now to fight their $190 million!

Your donation gets our Corruption Cleanup 2020 Campaign in all their states:

The Senate Leadership Fund and the infamous Karl Rove dark money group One Nation have collected $190 million dollars in toxic campaign cash in an attempt to outright buy the Senate! You can be sure that all of the big oil, private prison, and Wall Street money will be fueling these Senate Republicans' reelection efforts. 

We knew we were going up against big money. But we won’t let them beat us!

We’re taking on the right-wing megadonors and exposing the corrupt Senate Republicans. Donate now to support our Corruption Cleanup 2020 tour!

Billionaires and corporations want to buy up political power and Congressional seats with no repercussions, but we’ve been taking the fight to them at every step of the way. Last year they tried to run a sham campaign with the “Job Creators” bus tour, but we saw that coming a mile away.

Their strategy in 2020 is to buy the seats straight up with dark money and toxic big donor dollars. 

Help us get boots on the ground and hazmat suits in the faces of these contaminated Senators!

2020 is our chance to take back the Senate and the White House and those big money bastards know that. That’s why they’re ramping up the dark money donations, but we’re going to come together and oust all of their corrupt conspirators. But we need your help to make it happen!

Will you help?

Thank you for all you do,

MAYDAY America


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