Republican Jewish Coalition

The RJC Weekly Newsletter

October 17, 2019

Your weekly look at the latest news, analysis, and RJC activities around the country.

— Featured —


Former Attorney General Eric Holder

Democrats are Fighting to Redraw Electoral Maps

In an op-ed in the Washington Times this week, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker describes how Obama administration attorney general Eric Holder is leading the Democrats’ fight in the courts to unseat Republican elected officials. Through litigation, ballot measures, and other means, Democrats are trying to redraw state maps to benefit Democrat candidates. Walker is leading the National Republican Redistricting Trust to stop them, and he needs our help.

Walker writes:

Liberals never give up. Even when conservatives win, the left keeps coming back to have a rematch of the last battle. They did it against me. And they are doing it now against the president.

The same is true with the boundaries for House seats in districts all across America. While Republicans have been looking ahead to the redistricting battles after the 2020 census, Mr. Holder and his cronies have been working in the courts and in state elections to redo the lines drawn after the 2010 census.

Former President Barack Obama has joined the effort with his former attorney general. Their plan is simple: Pick a state, then sue until it’s blue.

They’ve done it in places like Pennsylvania, Virginia, Florida and Texas. They tried it in Wisconsin. And they are doing it right now in North Carolina.

…In 2018, there were 27 seats in the House that flipped from Republican to Democrat that were impacted by the work of Eric Holder and his cronies. They claim to be for fair maps and against gerrymandering, but the 990 form they filed with the IRS reveals that their mission is to: “Favorably position Democrats for the redistricting process.”

Click here to learn more:


A map Syria showing where different groups are in control.

An Overview of Developments in Syria

Syria is a messy story. It involves not just Syrians, but Kurds, Iran, Turkey, and Russia. There are multiple bad actors and centuries-old conflicts to contend with.


Here are two articles to help clarify for us how US troops got into Syria, what they were doing there, and what’s going on there now.


The first is by Jewish Policy Center Senior Director Shoshana Bryen. Although she wrote this article in March 2017, it has proved to be prescient. Here is her take on the slippery slope in Syria.


The Heritage Foundation’s Daily Signal podcast offers a good overview of the recent history. A recent edition featured an interview with Heritage’s foreign policy expert Jim Carafano about Syria. Read the lightly edited interview transcript or listen to the podcast episode here.



The Anti-Trump Hysteria Continues

Crazed protesters, angry Democratic leaders, and the mainstream media are all out to get President Donald Trump. Here is some insightful commentary for your review:


Kimberly Strassel on the media’s relentless crusade to destroy President Trump

[I]n the age of Trump… [t]he press has embraced its bias, joined the Resistance and declared its allegiance to one side of a partisan war. It now openly declares those who offer any fair defense of this administration as Trump “enablers.” It writes off those who question the FBI or Department of Justice actions in 2016 as “conspiracy” theorists. It acts as willing scribes for Democrats and former Obama officials; peddles evidence-free accusations; sources stories from people with clear political axes to grind; and closes its eyes to clear evidence of government abuse. This media war is extraordinary, overt and increasingly damaging to the country.

Michael Goodwin on the madness of leftist zealots

[S]ingling out Trump for the turmoil engulfing the country is possible only if you disregard the No. 1 contributor: the refusal of Democrats and most of the media to accept the results of the 2016 election. That refusal has become, among many on the left, borderline psychotic. Nothing else compares to the damage it is doing to our nation’s fabric and global image.

Law professor Glenn Harlan Reynolds (aka “Instapundit”) on how status anxiety fuels Trump derangement

Why are [Democrats and liberals still] so upset? I think it’s because of status anxiety. Our privileged, college-educated left — what Joel Kotkin calls the gentry liberals — feels that its preeminent position in American society is under threat. And people care a lot about status. What’s more, the people who seem to be lashing out the most are, in fact, just those gentry liberals: academics, entertainers, pundits, low-level tech types, and so on.

Victor Davis Hanson on the Democrats’ strategies against President Trump

After failing with the voting machine gambit, the Logan Act, the 25th Amendment, the emoluments clause, the McCabe-Rosenstein faux-coup, the Comey memos farce, the “resistance” efforts outlined by the New York Times anonymous op-ed writer, the campaign finance violations accusations, Stormy, tax returns, whistleblowers, leakers, the Mueller 22 months charade, and now impeachment 2.0, what exactly is the point of impeaching Trump just 13 months before the election? Here are the various rationales behind Trump’s Democratic and leftwing opponents’ latest “whistleblower” hoax…

Kimberly Strassel (again) on the civil servants of the “deep state” who seek to impose their own policy agendas

The “deep state”—if we are to use the term—is better defined as consisting of career civil servants, who have growing power in the administrative state but work in the shadows. As government grows, so do the challenges of supervising a bureaucracy swelling in both size and power. Emboldened by employment rules that make it all but impossible to fire career employees, this internal civil “resistance” has proved willing to take ever more outrageous actions against the president and his policies, using the tools of both traditional and social media.

FBI San Francisco Special Agent in Charge John F Bennett on September 30, 2019, announces a criminal complaint against Xuehua Peng for acting as an illegal foreign agent that allegedly delivered classified security information to China’s Ministry of State Security. 


The Trump Administration Pushes Back on China

Two articles this week noted that the Trump Administration is pushing back against China’s spying and trade actions against the US.


Bill Gertz writes at the Asia Times that: “After decades of all but ignoring large-scale Chinese intelligence operations targeting the United States, the US government is engaged in a major crackdown on Beijing spying and technology theft."


David Goldman, also at the Asia Times, writes that President Donald Trump’s decision to “call an armistice” in the trade war with China could secure him a second term as President



Important RJC Links

• Have you gotten your RJC Trump kippah yet? Our extremely popular red Trump kippah is now for sale for just $18. This includes shipping and handling, but we only have a limited supply, so ACT NOW. BUY YOUR KIPPAH HERE.


• The Republican Jewish Coalition is hiring field staff for our advocacy efforts in support of President Donald J. Trump’s reelection in various battleground states. CLICK HERE for details and application information. 


RJC Florida Field Representatives sign up volunteers in The Villages, a sprawling retirement community outside of Orlando, in advance of President Trump's visit there to sign an executive order on health care for seniors.


• The RJC PAC has endorsed a terrific slate of House and Senate incumbents and we need them to continue their work on Capitol Hill! 


CLICK HERE to donate through the RJC PAC portal and show your support for our great candidates!

— Short Takes —

From Brighton High to the heights of US politics

In an interview for the Rochester Beacon, RJC Board of Directors member Wayne Berman talks about his hometown and his remarkable career in Washington, DC.


Venezuela, Libya, obtain seats on UN Human Rights Council

Venezuela was elected to the United Nations Human Rights Council on Thursday with 105 votes and a round of applause, despite fierce lobbying against it by the United States and rights groups. Libya was also chosen to serve on the United Nations Human Rights Council.


The United States withdrew from the Geneva-based council in 2018 - half-way through a three-year term - over what it called chronic bias against Israel and a lack of reform.


The UN General Assembly elected a total of 14 Human Rights Council members on Thursday from five regional blocs. Germany, the Netherlands, Libya, Mauritania, Namibia, and Sudan were elected uncontested but still needed to win a majority vote. Armenia, Poland, Indonesia, Marshall Islands, South Korea,j  and Japan beat competition in their regional blocs to win seats - Japan for a second term. Iraq and Moldova were unsuccessful.



— Tweets —






— Events —

Gladwyne, PA - October 20, 2019


Beachwood, OH - October 29, 2019


Houston, TX - November 6, 2019


Bryn Mawr, PA - November 11, 2019


Washington, DC - November 20, 2019


Plantation, FL - November 21, 2019


Las Vegas, NV - March 13-15, 2020


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