Good morning! Politicians must understand that the political hammers citizens use to build their path to office will be used to fight them out. More on that at the end of today's Texas Minute. – Michael Quinn Sullivan Friday, August 13, 2021 Still No House Arrests
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![]() Friday Reflection: Be A HammerPoliticians who ignore their base are nothing new. What is “new” are citizens being willing to fight back. Let’s go back to about 100 B.C., the Syrian Seleucids had taken over Judea, and their culture took root among the upper-class Jews in Jerusalem. These were Jews ready to be done with the law and other religious trappings of Judaism. They wanted to be accepted, socially and economically, into the kingdom of their latest masters. That didn’t sit well with observant Jews, particularly those living in the countryside. They saw two enemies: their backstabbing countrymen, and the Hellenistic Seleucids whose king had—for a bribe—unceremoniously forced out the rightful high priest. The country rabble didn’t like it, and they decided to fight back - literally. Over the course of a decade, the Maccabees - named for their founding military hero, who reportedly fought with a massive sledgehammer - set about the work of reclaiming their country. Victory was achieved after they captured Jerusalem, sent the Seleucidians packing, and installed a new high priest. The Maccabees wanted Israel to govern itself, so they could worship and go about life under God’s law. Unfortunately, the freedom purchased with the blood of the rabble was quickly squandered. In what would end up as Israel’s last chance at real sovereignty, the political and religious leaders stumbled. Rather than embrace the system of self-governance God presented to Moses, they installed yet another human king. Divided loyalties arose, creating the “Pharisee” and “Sadducee” parties who competed—sometimes violently—for political leadership. This created an opportunity for the region’s new superpower, Rome, to step in. By 63 B.C., Israel had become a client kingdom. In 37 B.C., all pretense was dropped and the Roman Senate installed Herod the Great as “King of the Jews.” Self-governance in Israel was destroyed by preening politicians more concerned with their own power and prestige than the principles of the people they nominally served. We can all relate. Time and again grassroots activists have given of their time and energy to elect men and women whose heads are quickly turned by the establishment elite. Rather than staying true to the principles upon which they campaigned, the politician betrays the grassroots and undermines his own legacy. The ancient Jews stopped fighting, and lost their country for two millennia. We must not allow the liberty achieved through self-governance to be sacrificed by politicians on the self-interested altars they erect to themselves. Even when elected officials become faithless, we citizens must remain faithful to our principles. As citizens, the answer to all this is frustratingly simple: we must remain vigorously in the fight. The politicians must understand that the political hammers we use to build their path to office will be used to fight them out. The fight for liberty doesn’t end when we elect “the right person” - it only intensifies. We must be fully and completely involved in the governing affairs of our cities, schools, counties, state, and nation. That is the cost of citizenship in our republic. That is the joy of citizenship in our republic. That is the high calling of self-governance in our republic. ![]()
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