Hi John,

Did you see Nick’s email? It’s last call on getting a free copy of Heroes of the Terraces. I am so proud of this magazine and of the stories we tell in it. Lots of it is challenging, lots of it is interesting, some of it is even funny. But all of it is powerful. As the football season gets underway again and even Palace fans like me have a bit of hope, it’s a great read to have land on your doormat.

Sign up to get your FREE copy here by becoming a member today.



----------FORWARDED EMAIL----------
FROM: Nick Lowles
SENT: Wednesday 11 August 2021
SUBJECT: Our new magazine on antifascism and football is out now and I’d like to send you a copy


Hi John,

We have just published an amazing celebration of anti-racist and anti-fascist football fans who have used their shared love of the game to combat hate and division, and build hope in their communities. 

We’ve put some of the phenomenal articles online but we’re giving a free copy of the full bumper magazine to all our members. If you’d like a free copy - and to support our work - join before Sunday night to get yours.

Heroes of the Terraces is the latest in our series of publications celebrating those who have fought against hate, division and injustice. Last year we published Heroes of the Resistance and earlier this year we released Heroes of the Civil Rights Movement. 

The new magazine is a bumper edition, with 136 pages of articles and analysis. We cover clubs like Clapton FC with antifascism in their DNA, players like Dixie Dean who bravely stood against Nazism, and countries where fan culture is part and parcel of the battle between fascists and antifascists. 

Many of the stories are powerful and hopeful. Others are harder to read. Murderous regimes have used football for their own ends, and fascist hooligans have made the lives of many fans a misery. We cover polling which looks at the public opinion on racism in the game in the UK, anti-Traveller racism in football, antisemitism on the terraces and more. Lots more. 

It is a really great read. We’ve put some selected articles online, but the full publication is really worth it. We’re going to send a free copy to every member of HOPE not hate on Monday - just click here to support us and get your free copy of this great mag.



Nick Lowles
CEO, HOPE not hate

PS. If you want to buy a copy of the magazine but aren’t able to become a member, you can get it on the HOPE not hate shop here.