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Friday, August 13th, 2021

A Curious Definition of Selfishness

Steve Berger

What I Sent to My CEO


A Hundred Years in the Future: Joy During the Lockdown

Jon Rappoport

Dear Fed: Are You Insane?

Charles Hugh Smith

Shocking and Dehumanizing Discrimination Against the Unvaccinated Is About To Make Life Very Difficult

Daisy Luther

Climate Scientists Admit Exaggerated Warming

Vijay Jayaraj and E. Calvin Beisner

Medical Information Is Being Suppressed To Cover Up for the False Covid Narrative

Paul Craig Roberts

The Problem With Climate Change Politics

Alasdair Macleod

Tyson Employees Walk Off Job To Protest Vaccine Mandate

Tyler Durden

Peter Schiff Breaks Down the Inflation Tax

Don’t Be Fooled by the Latest Employment Report

Jon Wolfenbarger

Are Covid Shots Fueling More Dangerous Mutations?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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